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Assajj Gets captured part 1


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Name: Otter

Who helped (If applicable): Reaper and Ecetera

Event Name: Assajj Gets Captured Part 1

Summary of the story: A civilian Was Caught sneaking on a CIS MUNI And he escaped and ran to the republic but was shot down but not dead. His Ship had bombs On It and Blew up in the MHB Of Anaxes But he was able to tell the that There is an incoming attack on the base. The cis Sent Assajj and A Bunch Of Commando Droids who were focussing the comms and Shield Gen tower. Assaj Got captureed And Greivous Came To kill her but the forces were over whelming him so He Escaped and left assaj in a cell.

What was the result of the event?: Assajj Got captured But there will be a prison Break

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

Foxtrot/Alpha-23 EOD Otter


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3/4 There were some jumbled RP elements, and the event's story felt very rushed. Once again heavy problems with spawning

Current: Nothing

Former: 212th Kenobi | 21st Mundi | 212th CPT Boil | Jaing Skirata | Kal Skirata REGL CMD Harsh Omega EOD Darman Grey RC CMD Harsh | Niner Ordo |

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Listen man, idk what was going on but that was messed up. first off you've got asajj shooting rockets at our ships, There is no build up and just all of the sudden we have asajj around, grievous gotout of base and you spawned in 2 ships out of nowhere just so you could escape and you did it in front of everyone. a droidica was spawned in the brig out of nowhere and just comes rolling down the hallway. you should never have the plan for an event to be that one event job kills another. it never works and stuff like this happens. ypur event got derailed and you kept going further and further off topic. all in all it was a slug event and and it didn't make any sense..

1/4 you need to work on storytelling 

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The event itself had an... interesting concept that could've worked if played off right. Unfortunately, throwing tons of droids at us doesn't constitute an event. It was hard to follow, had an extreme lack of coordination between jobs and plots, and seemingly dragged out to the point of boredom. There wasn't nearly enough to entertain the populace.

And really? Grievous does /me escapes and spawns in multiple ships?? C'mon man.

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1/4 Event was not well organized. Used lore characters(with permission) that had 10,000 and 50,000 health without permission. Spawned 50 pods from 2 frigates. Spawned a ship 2 times in front of himself in base and at granite in front of many people. He was shot down from his ship twice yet somehow meraculisly escaped. Shoot the long distance comms array and shut down regular comms. There were others that he did but it is to long to put it in here.

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I'm going to have to give this a 1/4.  For starters, bringing ventress in for a server that is 2 weeks before order 66 did not run well with anyone participating.  There was little to no story whatsoever.  The whole point was just ventress getting paid by bounty hunters and then she was supposed to get killed?  The whole event was just event jobs running around with 50k health racking up kills, and then endless waves of droids.  The whole grevious section of the event did not run well in the slightest.  He just appears because ventress is at anaxes, then his only goal was to kill her.  Even after we trapped him he escaped.  Otter while on the grevious whitelist proceeded to spawn a ship outside of base that wasn't there prior.  He then got shot down, ran to granite, and spawned another ship!  That one also got shot down but somehow grevious escaped.  TL;DR Endless droid waves with no story and event jobs that just racked up kills. 

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Please ensure we are leaving ratings and not actively arguing. If you guys have questions for the GM take it up in the PMs

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