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ARR-Qal C-9979 Assault

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Name: BCMD Bacara (Qal)
Who Helped: Was just me (Low Server Pop)
Summary Of encounter: The CIS sent a C-9979 Landing Craft escorted by one Munificent Class Star Frigate, from the CIS Blockade above Anaxes,  to land CIS Ground Forces outside of the Base for an All Out Assault. 
The Republic Base was alerted to the incoming assault because of the Scanners. A Naval Official Immediately recognized the Scans showing incoming and alerted the Base, The Enemy Fired Drop Pods, and covered the Lander. Then Overwhelmed the Republic at the Gate. The CIS Took the first third of the Courtyard, and Flanked to the Jedi LAAT & The Shield Generator,  as well as Sabotaging Republic Vehicles did some Demolitions to the Shield Generator. In the End, The Lander was Destroyed by an Alpha Arc Trooper Getting into the Reactor. Ending the CIS Assault.

Please rate out of 4: 
More Detailed Ratings:

Story:  - (The storyline of the event) 
          [Rating] | [Reason]

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)
          [Rating] | [Reason]

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s)
          [Rating] | [Reason]

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Story:  - (The storyline of the event) 
          [3/4] | [Not much substance, however the inclusion of Naval in identifying the approaching hostiles is something that SHOULD be done more and I appreciate you doing this.]

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)
          [4/4] | [Everything went well, no complaints.]

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s)
          [4/4] | [The droids placement and having them "move" forward and flank us was very refreshing and I hope more GMs take note of this. It felt like a real battle rather than the classic "Imma just drop pods on your head hehe" stuff.]

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Story: -(the storyline of the even)

        -I can not rate fairly as when I came back from grabbing a quick bite we were already under attack. So didnt get to experience the starting of it.

Execution: -(Flow/Timing)

       [4/4] A good flow to it and didnt feel rushed. Felt realistic in a way with the droids pushing in further to force a form of fall back

Game Mechanics- (Spawning/Map Utilizations/Ej's)

      [4/4] Pretty good and not much complaints. The spam during the push back somewhat killed my frames but that was more of a me problem with my PC. Also a great utilization of the crashed drop ship as their continuous spawn in a sense and keeping with them stopping once it was destroyed in RP.

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