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Anderson - Erictia and the Guard (Encounter)

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Name: Anderson

Who Helped: Blueman, Tucker, Appi and Levvi


Representative Erictia and her "Guards" crash landed onto Anaxes, looking for help for some Refugees on the outer rim planet of Axxila. Falling for their ruse the Republic invited them into there Fort. Erictia, unaware of her treacherous guards, allowed the Nimbus Commandos into the base. Planting explosives around the base, the commandos plan was going smoothly. After being in a position upon which the Republic organisation and overall defence was weakened a CIS Fleet Hyperspaced into the Anaxes Sector and began an assault. Unprepared for the Clones to organise themselve effectively even without the appropriate equipment, the Droid Army was Defeated. Yet, the Commandos escaped to see another day. 

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