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Bruise- Martyr (Encounter)

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Name: Bruise
Who Helped: Reaper, Clutch, Draco
Summary Of encounter: 3 Bounty hunters tried to become a martyr for their nation to persuade them to join the CIS. They sent in a renegade droid to distract the base and tried to sneak in. Two were caught early. One made it to CIC but was caught. In the middle of his interrogation he signaled for the two others to start shooting, and sent a feed of the interrogation to his homeworld. At the end of the interrogation he died from blood loss.

- Your Local Headass, Bruise.

Former: Jedi Master,  BCMD Gree , Recon RCMD Head Admin , GMM, Adi GalliaCommander Faie X2, Cooker

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