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Anderson - Nimbus Commandos that Failed

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Name: Anderson

Helpers: Yung, Ping, Jackin, Indomitus (All EJs)

Breif summary of the Encounter:

C.I.S Nimbus Commandos assault the Republic Fortress on Anaxes. Hoping to cripple the infrastructure leading up to a devastating attack. However, under estimating the Republic forces the Commandos became quickly over run. Fighting to the very last droid, the Commandos saw no other option but to try and destroy any hope of gaining Intel. yet again, failing thanks to the fighting forces of the 501st Defusing the bombs and downloading the data. Revealing their plots against the Republic, allowing them to fix the issues with their defences around the Anaxes Fort.

Nimbus Commando lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nimbus_commando

Edited by Anders0n
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