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Enzyme - Illegal Operations Part 1

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Name: Enzyme

Who helped (If applicable): Sox

Event Name: Illegal Operations

Summary of the story: An unknown trooper was in the Bridge, and accidentally spilt a drink on controls of the Venator. It malfunctioned and systems starting failing. An error in system code made the Venator hyperspace out of 'danger'. It hyperspaced through the Galaxy and stopped at an asteroid field. They stumbled across some illegal miners mining asteroids for their debt they had to repay. When the Venator appeared they got spooked and told the people who they owe debt to that the Republic found out. These miners knew too much, and had to be evacuated by the unknown people. They failed, and the bad clan leader took one of the miner's wife hostage. They are currently setting out a deal, and will meet on Geonosis...

What was the result of the event?:

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay


Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Overall: [Rating] - [Reason]

Story: [Rating] - [Reason]

Execution: [Rating] - [Reason]

Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]

Edited by Enzyme
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Overall: 3/4 - It was good for the amount of people on the server at the time.

Story: 2/4 - Story was thrown together rather than thought out. It appeared to be very improvised. However, I am looking forward to see part 2 and hope there are improvements.

Execution: 3/4 - Having us get to the asteroid field by accident because of a CT with an IQ of 10 was mingy and could be been thought out more. I.E "We are being sent to patrol this area..." yadda yadda. However, the rest of the event went smoothly and made up for this aspect.

Game Mechanics: 4/4 - Was very balanced for the amount of people on the server at the time and enjoyable to partake in.

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16 hours ago, Baron said:

Overall: 3/4 - It was good for the amount of people on the server at the time.

Story: 2/4 - Story was thrown together rather than thought out. It appeared to be very improvised. However, I am looking forward to see part 2 and hope there are improvements.

Execution: 3/4 - Having us get to the asteroid field by accident because of a CT with an IQ of 10 was mingy and could be been thought out more. I.E "We are being sent to patrol this area..." yadda yadda. However, the rest of the event went smoothly and made up for this aspect.

Game Mechanics: 4/4 - Was very balanced for the amount of people on the server at the time and enjoyable to partake in.

Thank you so much for the in - depth feedback. The story had to be changed due to many player made changes that I didn't anticipate, so I had to quickly adapt. I'm sorry if you thought that the story was thrown together! I will work as hard as possible to ensure a thought out and smooth story line for part 2. And with the start of it, I just wanted to do something different so everything's not the same, this did bring some ENG RP but I'm sorry if you thought it wasn't that good!!


Thank you for the feeback <3

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