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Scribbles - The Beacon

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Name: Scribbles

Who helped (If applicable): N/A

Event Name: The Beacon

Summary of the story: A beacon, unknown to the republic had a transmission, warning passer-bys of droids and asteroids. Curious, the republic jumped to said location and found a box, and jet droids. The box has a heat lock on it, so it was taken inside and inspected in the lab, turns out it was a trade fed beacon that was transmitting , it allowed for a probe droid to sneak onboard and show live-feed of the republics internals. The probe droid was destroyed and signaled two Frigates to attack the venator, as one deployed buzz droids to tear up the thrusters, however the jedi ended up shooting their own thrusters. The other frigate deployed droid marines, with an objective to take back the beacon that was destroyed to due a virus.

What was the result of the event?: The marines made their way inside and got the scrounged up beacon parts, and signalled a hyena bomber to pick it up, it had a compartment that allowed the beacon bits to be placed, and it escaped. 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplaying, Shootemup


Story:  - (The storyline of the event)  

Execution:  - (Flow/Timing)

Game Mechanics - (Spawning/map utilization/Ej’s) 


Overall: [Rating] - [Reason]

Story: [Rating] - [Reason]

Execution: [Rating] - [Reason]

Game Mechanics: [Rating] - [Reason]

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Overall: [3/4] - [Overall this was a fun event that was a nice ease in and out and offered additional RP afterward and overall a nice event!]

Story: [3/4] - [I understand we found a beacon and the CIS want their beacon back and it might just be where I was or that I was a Jedi but I did not understand why this beacon was important and why the CIS wanted it back.]

Execution: [4/4] - [Overall I like how it was handled, maybe a little to many droids but not by a drastic amount by any means.]

Game Mechanics: [3/4] - [Well handled and maintained and good job allowing TECH to do their thing and how portions of the ship acting up with the signal]

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