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Merrill - Thunder and Lightning


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Willy

Event Summary: A mayday comes in from an incoming LAAT, bearing an injured trooper and warnings of an incoming CIS attack unlike anything seen before. Fort Anaxes only has a limited time to set up defenses before the storm arrives.

Event Outcome: Some troopers did not catch on to the warnings of the incoming attacks, and paid dearly for it. Due to the low number of droids involved in the attack, the CIS was only able to do a small assault to continue testing their weapon before retreating to save it from destruction. The remaining droids left behind were quickly wiped out.

Event Type: Mixed

  • Winner 1

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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This Event was one sided towards the Bounty Hunters and it seems like Clone Troopers and Jedi can't really do anything and was really boring and me and a couple other people were really frustrated with it and just left.

  • Disagree 1

Notably Known as: Regimental Commander, Battalion Commander Doom, Last Foxtrot Lead Gregor, Boss, Sev, Battalion Commander Wolffe, Boost, Comet, Commander Faie, Charger

Currently: Crosshair & Shaak Ti


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 Now, the Validity of my Claims cannot be fully verified as no Clear Transaction has been made by the Republic to my, not at all Vast Bank Account. However! I did happen to Trip into the Base right before the Attack on Fort Anaxes, and assist the Troopers that weren't being complete defects! The Initial assault wasn't that much of an Issue, the CIS Super Weapon of this week seemed to target Republic Weaponry, and the closet thing to a Republic Weapon is the Imperial Sniper I stole from Melted Rust- i mean, borrowed!

Now, we had a couple of Defects that likely didn't pay attention to the intel, as shitty as it typically is, and they did learn the hard way, but other than that, they did some good work! I did however, take a lot of unnecessary fire because some Troopers refused to Rush, and there might of been a Jedi that didn't know how to FUCKING COVER ME! But, other than that, it went over smoothly!  

I did notice that the Shield Generator took some Heavy fire, apparently, I ended up being the only person to notice this, as when I rushed for them, that big fuck off Ship decided to launch more Smoke than a Spaceports worth, which, is interesting, although I'm not sure how the fuck they did that! As Confusing CIS Technology is to me, Republic Tech couldn't be more of the Opposite! So, I rushed over with my Trusty Bowcaster, and unloaded into some B2's with a voice Deeper than the Versock Clan combined [Including that one Woman Reznov always tells to go back into the kitchen] and ended up getting shot to shit!

I quickly recovered, as any good Bounty Hunter would, and grabbed my DLT-20A, the Proper Sniper for any Real man, and started to Pop the B2's off one by one. After that finished, I shimmied my way onto the wall, and started working on a Pannel I found. Now, this is where we get to one of my Biggest Problems with the CIS, as well as this attack from a Strategic Point of view. They only sent Canon Fodder, and then left. 

Now, I'll never complain about getting to shoot some God damn Clankers! But,  if they didn't decide to bring out the Friday Fucking Doomsday Weapon, then, I don't think this would've been any different than any other time they tried to attack. As much as I love melting Metal, which I really love to melt Metal, It never hurts to have a Variety of things to Melt.

Sometimes, they send in the Edgy Fuckers,  maybe even sneak some Politically Incorrect Clankers, whatever the fuck that means, hell i've even seen some Clankers that roll faster than I can Punt a Jawa! But, it felt like they just kept  sending down the same droids, in the same places, every other five minutes. Other than that slightly Boring Aspect, I did love the chance to fight with the Republic! I also loved, being able to "trip" into Debrief, without any issues of course!


Hope you enjoyed that IC Review, figured it'd help bring back the feelings I had in the Event. 

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6 minutes ago, mman2788 said:


This Event was one sided towards the Bounty Hunters and it seems like Clone Troopers and Jedi can't really do anything and was really boring and me and a couple other people were really frustrated with it and just left.

I just showed up, Jedi don't have Republic Weaponry, and, the only thing Considered Republic Weaponry is your standard DC-15A/S. And, even then, that just meant that the CT's couldn't Rush into open fire, which, if I hadn't joined a Battalion yet, would be something I'd be personally grateful to not have to do. Clones, are expendable, but just because something can be replaced, doesn't mean it's worth the Bullshit to do so. Don't treat yourself like Canon Fodder, don't be afraid to go for riskier Plays and Smarter Playstyles, and adapt to the situation at hand. It'd be a lot more Enjoyable for you, if you at least tried. 


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