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Wing's R2 and C3PO Event


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Name: Wing/EZKape

Event Name: Wing's R2 and C3PO Event

Summary of the story: R2 and C3PO were given CIS intel by a republic acclamator and ordered to bring it to the nearest Republic Venator to download to republic database. In doing this, the CIS figured out that R2 and C3PO got the data and tracked their location. Commando droids aswell have General Gravy (Grievous) proceeded to attack the ship and try to take the data back, which they did in vain. Grievous esca

What was the result of the event?: CIS lost. Some Metagame. Most +1s, -1s due to some lag and overused storyline (sorry I just wanted something for all of you to do)

Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot-em-up

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