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Flynn's fox app


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 Steam Name: Pepe De Frog

RP Name: CG Commander Stone/Flynn

Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:0:117966383

Battalion/Area you are applying for: CG Battalion Commander Fox


- Dooms Unit PVT to Major

- Jedi Youngling to General

- 41st (Transfer) CPT to CPT

- Foxtrot 

- Spec Ops PVT to Major

- Shadow Company (Update on icefuse and transfer to synergy) Major to Commander

- Null 

- CG (Transfer) 2ndLT to CMD


Why should you become a Commander?:

I feel I should be commander because I have the necessary skill set and attitude towards the position. First off a commander must be swift, and decisive when it comes to critical moments whether its on the battlefield or not. I have always had a knack for these abilities and I will put it to good use when the occasion arises. I  am also calm, cool and collected, something definitely required when handling internal and external problems such as the clashing of members within your battalion or members getting into fights with other battalions. and a side note i am extremely active besides school and the occasion i might go out with mates, i will be on the server. (I am British so i am 5 hours ahead of the EST people but i tend to play late night my time anyways) I also am one of the flew officers just now who actually know how the battalion runs and should run so i have the necessary skills to make CG a great and big battalion.


Do you understand the lore of your battalion?



Sunday: 11am to 11pm GMT

Monday: 4:30 to 11pm GMT

Tuesday: 4:30 to 11pm GMT

Wednesday: 4:30 to 11pm GMT

Thursday: 4:30 to 11pm GMT

Friday: 4:30 to 2am GMT

Saturday: 11am to 2am GMT

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

Since the team speak was first up.

Do you have a microphone?:


What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for?:

I plan on carrying on alot from what dargon did. His system and structure was very good for this battalion and i don't see the need for that many changes when the commanders that we have just now are the ones who helped make it. Now i would like to change some minor things and a couple of big think such promotions and rank transfers that type of thing. I do plan on making a stronger tryout system where its harder to get in to the battalion,  I would  like to add in weekly meetings, addressing any persons concerns or ideas for the battalion. All ideas will be considered fairly and judged accordingly so. I also want to bring more PT and training exercises back into the mix. I would do at least daily PT with the entire battalion focusing on different aspects. For example, one day we might do arrest training and the next we might be holding the citadel against attackers, and the 3rd day we might be doing a timed course run. I feel these changes would be happily accepted as I find our members are getting constantly bored throughout the day with nothing to do sept there normal jobs and events. I would have the officers enforce this daily PT if im not around at the time. This will in my opinion, improve the CG to be more motivated. (When i talk about PT i mean actual training not something to make u hate me)  I also want to enforce discipline, as troopers who stop rule breaking and such i want to crack down on the mingey-nes of the battalion, dont get me wrong there isnt alot but there are times where CG have minged. And i am not saying CG cant have fun but i want them to have fun in role play instead of OOC. another thing i plan on doing is requiring all of my NCO's to recruit (as opposed to making it optional with accept ions if they come and speak to me) and I will teach them how to spot the quality soldiers that our battalion needs. another thing i will work to do is I want the CG to flow like a bloodstream, meaning that when there isn't a commander or a strong leadership role present, I still want my men to be able to function normally.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?



Edited by Flynn
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