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[SPOILERS] Production Leaks for ROS - Disney vs JJ

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DISCLAIMER: This post has been given the permission of the Directors to have a link that contains massive spoilers to the movie. 


HOWEVER, you cannot talk about the spoilers in this thread, since there are 15 more days until the movie will have been out for a month. You can try talking about what is in that link with no spoilers, since it is mostly about Disney's actions with the movie and JJ Abrams, BUT if you are to post spoilers on this thread, you will get warning points and even bans from the big boys themselves. You've been warned.


Okay so here's the deal, leaks from shit. This dude has connections to JJ Abrams and the production of the movie, and it apparently shows that as we all know, Disney has a lot of control over the movie. However, there are some interesting facts in this post. Check it out!


 Here is what I think;


JJ fucked up with the force awakens, sticking too much to the nostalgia factor, and he was planning on fixing his mistakes with the next movie. Then TLJ happened. Hopefully we get a director's cut for the Rise of skywalker.



What do you guys think? (Remember not to spoil!

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yeah see you in a month kid.

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