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[Tantrum] Hierarchy System > Fun?


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One of the big pros that Synergy has over most servers is that everyone could do anything and develop their own fun out of it. However, this seems to lead to an unnamed rule set that a LOT of aspects on the server have. I'm just gonna call it the Hierarchy System, because that's what it is. And a lot of it seems to stem from the fact that people are either silly with it or someone complained about it when nothing was really wrong. I'm going to pick on the new Jedi ROE a bit for this, but full respect to creators and the fact that an effort is being made.

When I first heard that Jedi was getting an ROE, I thought it was just going to be something that only a simple one-sentence announcement would cover. Honestly I think what would have worked better if a "first come, first serve" aspect in that only two people can engage a bad guy at a time. Instead, this was created:


Rules of Engagement Hierarchy
Shadows & Guardians/Brutes/WS
Sentinels & Unbranched Knights

Consulars & Unbranched Padawans & Temple Guards

Rules of Engagement Hierarchy (Jedi Temple)

Temple Guards

Shadows & Guardians/Brutes/WS
Sentinels & Unbranched Knights

Consulars & Unbranched Padawans

This is the universal hierarchy for Jedi. And this is basically created so that no Jedi accidentally slices someone up trying to attack something. However... was this really needed? What does it matter as to whether or not someone is ranked or what branch they're in? Credit where it's due, Consulars shouldn't be trying to fight and honestly a Jedi, realistically, wouldn't be as bloodthirsty as a lot of them are depicted. Keep in mind this a full doc, ideally I think all that would be needed is "Don't attack first" and "Only two at a time". Very simple rules that keep with the roleplay.

There's a LOT on this doc that makes it really contrived as to whether or not a Jedi can fight something. This kills the possibility of fun, especially for the bottom of the hierarchy where an Unbranched Knight might be fighting someone but is immediately told to go away or outright AOS'd by a Shadow Knight for DARING to take something he has priority in. This is not the only example in which this can happen.

Since I've been on the server, I've noticed this type of set up more and more in that people can just straight up tell you to leave an RP situation. Does that mean this system is entirely flawed? No. I personally don't think someone who is an Engineer should be performing surgery, interrogations should be handled by the proper people, etc. However when it comes to something as simple as fighting a bad guy on the server, that's where this system REALLY falls apart. People love Star Wars because of the combat, so when someone pays 25 dollars, passes Youngling Trials, and gets told to go away when he fights Darth Mustache-Twirler, how is that fair?

This isn't a call to action, but I really felt the need to bitch about it. That is all.

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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I think from a consular perspective you shouldn't be forced to not attack just because you are a consular, I believe that as part of the character you are playing it should be part of your roleplay to make that decision instead of just being told you can't by a document. I'm not denying that consular realistically should not engage as much as other classes but that should not be forced you should still have the freedom to make that decision depending on how indepth you are going with the roleplay.



Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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1 hour ago, Nade Jones said:

I think from a consular perspective you shouldn't be forced to not attack just because you are a consular, I believe that as part of the character you are playing it should be part of your roleplay to make that decision instead of just being told you can't by a document. I'm not denying that consular realistically should not engage as much as other classes but that should not be forced you should still have the freedom to make that decision depending on how indepth you are going with the roleplay.

Consulars and Padawans shouldn't be attacking a sith they would be clapped and sent all the way to Bali. I think everyone is confused about the ROE. Padawans, Consulars, and Temple guard go on the defensive if the sith goes towards them they can attack.  It's subject to change but the council felt like we had to do something to combat all this chaos when attacking.

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I think a good half or maybe more could be taken away and maybe we could keep some

Sanchez trembles at the mention of my name.

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1 hour ago, Nightmare said:

Alright let me clear this up 

This is all subject to change. If this system doesn't work we will remove it :)

Yeah that's fair. At the time I was just using the ROE as an example of how ridiculous hierarchies actually are. It's kind of why I said this was a tantrum, it wasn't just for Jedi but a lot of systems have this in place.

The Reprehensible Ratio!



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