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Cutlaw's Game Master Application


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Name: Cutlaw



How long have you Played on the Server Nosferatu has played for 1767:16:26.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: As a JEDI Commander of the 501st and my experience in the only battalion I've been I have many, many hours into learning and enforcing the skills needed to extend into a leading position. I am just and I will hear everyone out, in the 3 events I hosted since I have been doing as needed for a GM, I made time for tickets, while keeping everything else in check so I can keep up the immersion of the people and keep stuff to a lore friendly standard. I would rate them a solid 9/10!

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?:YEs


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Now I have been planning this since I came back, I want to create a deployment, maybe a mass one, where most of the Event jobs will be using only vehicles, I have made a modified AAT tank which has a shield built in, making it invulneable to fire from the front. In my events I like to bring the tension of the clones' POV while fighting, trying to recreate a fully-fletched battle. Because I am not a fan on duck and shoot, I love to have tension, like something is always harrasing me around the battlefield. My main idea comes from the Battle Of Christophsis and the attack on the droid factory with the Super Tanks, there the full emotion was set.
The event will start as expected for a main mass assault, but I will ask the event jobs ( I would need somewhere 5-6 EJs ) 2 or 3 on AATs and 2-3 on Republic Pilot job ( I have the specific model set ). There will be scenario where one of the LAAT has to crashland in a specific location and will be on a last stand around the laat to wait for the reinforcements a.k.a. the other LAAT(s). I will try my best to cooperate with them on that notice. 

That will be the most of that event, I would like not to spoil everything as I am looking forward to doing that! Hopefully you are not mad about that :3


Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):







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  • Director

+1 i liked your evevnts alot and they are put together very good



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