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Forseen's Event - Relations & Complications


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Name: Forseen

Who helped (If applicable): Spite

Event Name: Relations & Complications

Summary of the story: A Sith lord, entered landed with a ship in the fort courtyard with an army of Mandalorian's working for him, reluctantly. The Mando's were looking to join forces with the Republic but were immediately engaged and defended themselves. The Mando's tried to discuss the situation with the Republic in which the Mando's went into a cease fire and tried to talk and were met with constant bombardment and left with no choice but to continue fighting.

What was the result of the event?: Republic were more interested in shooting and killing everything rather than trying to be civilized. The event ended with the republic causing a fight that wasn't needed.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Meant to incorporate both but due to player decisions became "shoot 'em up"



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