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Some tips for the server.

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Hi, lately i've been thinking quite a lot about the server and a lot has been around how can we boost and or slowly fix the server to bring it back to its former prime.

I would first like to address the GM team, especially around the planning of an event/encounter. I have been seeing recently GM's dragging events on and on, to the point where its no longer enjoyable for the players, I had one encounter recently where I killed the same Death watch 3 times...

I would like to recommend to those who are GM to start using a template of some sort, I know @Rohan uses one that signifcantly improves the event experience, and flow of event. It could look similar to this:


Event Type:
In here you would state what you want the event to be, Is it;

A) Shoot em up, Or more Story Line based
B) Whats the objective, Is it hostage rescue, Interogations, Base defense etc.

C) Is it on the Main or Event Server.

Time for setting up props

Setting up event characters

how many assistant GM's

(If Event Server) What Battalions are involved:



(If Event Server) Map Name:


List the objectives in order you want them completed, this is important objectives.

Event Time:

Set a time limit and try to stick to it, for instance

30 Minutes to 45 minutes or 45-1hour.


Event Job Roles:


A short description listing what the event job is and their objective.


 Write Here up, dont be lazy

This gives more of a clear line and idea of what to do etc.

As for staff, Just answer tickets lmao.



You guys need to promote roleplay, and the following of rules in your battalion, for instance if 2 melee users are going head to head, you need to stand down and not discharge weapons, its too often I see this. Also if youre battalion isn't doing to swell, change it up remove dumb requirements and shorten promo cool downs, its not needed if you just manage things better you'll find it will run hassle free.

Any Member of a battalion: If you have a problem with your battalion please for the sake of the server talk to the people incharge of your battalion, you need to let people know or nothing will get fixed, I recently saw people running from their problems and I was ashamed to have been their BCMD, Speak up and make the effort it fix the battalion with those around you, never run from the problem confront it and fix it.


Now removal of battalions, This is probably the dumbest thing ive ever heard to fix a server, its never been a problem even in the old days when we actually maxed out for hours at a time, don't try and blame the lack of numbers of a battalion on the fact that theres too many, thats not the case at all, especially if the battalion you blame isnt even in your regiment for instance:

Lets say shock is dead, Removing 187th wont help them, its a completely different ballgame interms of how battalions operate, but this is the same for 104th, DU or any other battalion, Having more battalions yes can be a slight problem but even when there was more battalions than what there is now, its always been even interms of numbers, for instance, if a 187th trooper leaves when the servers max slots, a 41st might then replace him, it is unlikely that a member of the same battalion ever replaced someone from their own when an AFK check was done, or when people straight up left, so please stop saying we need to remove battalions, dont be so quick to blame other battalions.

I'll say this, from personal experience people do not like having heaps of requirements in a battalion, and heaps long rank promotion cooldowns, they ARE NOT  needed at all, but you might then say how to people get recruits, how are battalions getting numbers if you dont have to recruit... Its 200iq, you got to make the boring stuff more of a game, for instance add some insentive to the idea of recruitment, you gotta give them some credits, you gotta make it fun for them and have the right atmosphere in a battalion to get results its as easy as that, You cannot be some stuck up prick in a BCMD spot and expect to get results, people will begin to hate you or want you gone for an attitude problem and go elsewhere. I suggest to everyone that battalions evaluate their batts and think about where they personally can look to improve whether thats in basic enjoyment, or attidue on the server. We need people to enjoy their time here, not hate it.

Now any reigmental+ Read this:

Dont just sit in your channel or spend a lot of time with battalions you recently left, or arent in your regiment seriously. The worst thing you can do is favour a specific battalion over the entire regiment, Appoint a day or 2 to specific battalions and stick with the routine, For instance, monday you might chill with the 41st, the next maybe 91st etc. If you are using an active, and interactive approach as a bcmd would, you will simply find results and significant improvements not only in your knowledge of battalions but the problems they may have and how to better prepare simulations etc to be able to boost the battalions quality of troopers. I have seen far to many regimentals take the whole advising role and its done no justice to the server or battalions what so ever, you should be working to develop a BCMD, and make them great, not wait for him to start to fall before you give him a platform to stand on, Instead help him from the start from the back, dont push ideas onto them simply just suggest and promote different ideas and chill with his battalion, you gotta be there to gain respect, you dont just get it from sitting in a locked channel and poppin into the channel for a second or 2.

Ontop of that, You guys really need to start hosting training, and I know i touched base on this a little above, but you need to be consistant, Im sick of 2 week regimentals, where they do shit for the first 2 weeks and then go MIA unitl problems arrive, that simply aint good enough, and by trainings maybe more roleplay situated things so we can start to bring the quality up over time, this starts at the rank of PVT and just because you go up the ranks doesnt mean your roleplay drops, you need to advice through the experience you have on the server how to make players better.

And for the sweaty boyos in the backrow, Its a game interms of lore friendliness I dont care if they are a drawing you drew when you got drunk or if they have an entire movie dedicated to you, who cares all Im saying is just accept things as they are, and move on, its a game at the end of the day and complaining about lore every 2 seconds is just getting old.

I will update more tonight, Im in quite the hurry as I have work.

Edited by Dreams-
  • Funny 1
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  • CT Private Reggin
  • Youngling Billber (3 Years running)


  • VET Admin
  • 187th Battalion Commander
  • 187th Executive Officer
  • 212th Ghost Company Lead
  • 212th ARC Lead
  • 212th Sharp Shooter Lead
  • 212th Commander Reed
  • Republic Medic Senior Officer
  • 41st Green Company
  • 41st 2ndLt
  • Ion Team Ras
  • RANCOR 2ndLt
  • 91st Captain
  • Shock 2ndLt
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8 minutes ago, Rohan said:

You can insert this into your post if you want 

Current: Head Admin | Marshal Commander

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