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KanZ's 327th Star Corps Battalion Commander Bly Application


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Steam Name: KanZ

RP Name: TR 327th JT ELT Commander KanZ

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39214040

Battalion or squad you are applying for: 327th Star Corps Battalion


187th Legion (PVT ~ LT): The first ever battalion I joined nearly 3 months ago (back in IceFuse). Through 187th, I learned Battle Comms and  LAAT etiquette and participated paratrooper drills that were mandatory for the paratrooper battalion. I spent my time participating Breach & Clear and Hostage Situation simulations and learned that communication, organization, and strategical plans were crucial in accomplishing any goal and objective. It was through 187th that I met wonderful and "interesting" friends. Most of my fellow 187th would call me "chicken" (which I had no clue why back then), then my nickname change into "Fried Chicken" (I believe this is because I was a Blaze Trooper back then, otherwise I am still not sure why) then everyone would start calling me "Refrigerator" and/or "Fat" (which honestly I did not mind).

It was fun and all until one day I was unexpectedly promoted to Sergeant Major of the Battalion (Warrant Officer) that I have to take responsibilities as a new officer. Since some of the well known officers from the 187th moved on, I, working alongside other fellow officers, made sure that 187th gets new and good recruits and provided assistance to any members of the 187th (getting them on TeamSpeak primarily). Over time, 187th XO Hudson (an interesting person I say) gave me a position of Blaze Trooper Leader for my activity and dedication as a 187th Blaze Trooper, which I was tasked in hosting Blaze Trooper tryouts and managing the squad.

On that faithful day, I was shocked when I just logged in to witness the entire community falling apart. Noticeable members were getting banned left and right for voicing their opinions and complaints and many were resigning. Me and the rest of the 187th were left wondering the future state of the beloved community. It did not take long to find that Joah and others were starting a brand new community, a new hope for everyone. Between remaining in the server where there are censorship and corruption and simply moving on, most of the 187th decided the latter.

With brand new community (which is now Synergy Roleplay now), I thought about it and decided that I should start anew. I was informed that Hudson and Tristan were going back to their 327th Star Corps root. When the new server officially launched, for some reason I approached into the 327th bunks...

327th Star Corps (2LT ~ CMD): Why I decided to join 327th in the first place, it is still a mystery to me (perhaps because of Hudson's singing voice and thee fact that he made me a Blaze Trooper Leader, but I am not sure...).  It was through Hudson that I learned the concept of Combat Spacing (which was crucial since there was that one time where some Paratrooper with purple markings accidentally discharged his RPS-6  into his feet, resulting in eight or more bodies flying high, which was downright glorious) and being professionally mannered. I also learned that it was custom for Hudson to host personal debrief at bunks after the official debrief to voice our opinions and concerns and to brainstorm our performance during the event.

During my early days as 327th, I spent countless hours in recruitment (though unsuccessful because either the trainees were not properly trained, failed to show good behavior, and reluctant to install TeamSpeak and even if they passed the tryout, many of them immediately become inactive which was very frustrating). Fortunately there were new 327th members who were active back then. I took my time training new 327th members and taught them the concepts of Battle Comms, Combat Spacing, and any battle formations and tactics that were very useful and reminded them to be professionally mannered. If I ever got chances, I would ask any staff members to spawn Lazer Cannons (from Star Wars Turret entities) where everyone try them out and practice shooting while I, as a Jet Trooper, was a target. While Hudson was not present, I, as a 327th officer, would lead during the events and promoted any 327th who did fantastic job. Whatever I do, I always maintained and edited 327th google sheets, even writing updated version of 327th Jet Trooper Tryout.

I personally have to thank every members of the 327th, both former and current, for everything they have done for the battalion. Even when 327th on the cutting edge and the fact that new Bly has been inactive for nearly 2 weeks, it is due to our dedication and determination that keeps us going. I have been 327th Star Corps for nearly two months now and it would be an insult when all the hard works that everyone has put into go into waste.

Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

I have been with 327th Star Corps ever since Synergy Roleplay first launched. Not only I have experiences in leading, but also dealing with certain combat-related situations which can be a great assistance to 327th. As a Battalion Commander, I would pick a schedule and host weekly Battalion and Officer meetings so that way everyone can voice their opinions and concerns and plan on what needs to be done. I will completely overhaul the 327th google sheet and documentations to the fullest and create guidelines and regulations that best suits the battalion and assist its growth (of course, every feedback is welcome). Me and my fellow 327th will come up with drills and training that are not only mandatory, but also help greatly in combat-heavy situation (such as Breach & Clear, Attack vs Defense, Hostage Situation, various NPC simulations, etc.). I want to make 327th great, but in order to do so, I am willing to work with my fellow 327th and others who are dedicated and determined as I am.

Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

Absolutely. There is a reason why many members of the 327th are allowed to don kilts and shoulder pads. Moreover, spreading freedom in exotic, dangerous, and hostile environments across the Outer Rim are our specialties.


I have my job and my schedule can be unpredictable from time to time, but I can guarantee that I will be on whenever I can.


6:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EST


5:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EST


11:00 PM ~ 3:00 AM EST


11:00 PM ~ 3:00 AM EST


11:00 PM ~ 3:00 AM EST


11:00 PM ~ 4:00 AM EST


3:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM EST

Should I am unavailable at certain times, everyone is welcome to message me through forum or my very own message form.

Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

I have been on ever since the Synergy Roleplay first had its beta test. I have been playing on this server over 400 hours.

Do you have a microphone?:

Yes, I do indeed.

Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

I want 327th to be a battalion where every members are dependable and reliable anytime anywhere while able to demonstrate professionalism. I want 327th to be successful, not just in numbers but consists of well trained and highly professional troopers. I want to make sure that 327th is all about getting a job done properly and professionally no matter what. Should the planets, especially located across the Outer Rim, are under attack, 327th Star Corps are there for the job.

Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:

I understand.

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As I stated on Banana's app, I am staying non-partisan on this. 

Good luck.

Hudson, The Helmetless. Formerly Of:
41st Elite Corps & Green Company, Coruscant Guard, 327th Star Corps, Galactic Marines, Special Operations, 187th Legion, Defense and Recon Regimental Commander, 212th Attack Battalion, RANCOR, and for Jedi General Quinlan Vos and Jedi Advisor Shaak Ti.

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Unfortunately, this application has been denied. Due to a lack of
community feedback, this application for 327th Battalion Commander
cannot be passed to interview. You may reapply for a Battalion Commander
position in 30 days starting the 1st of November.


//Moved to Commander Applications - Denied

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