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Kage Warriors Attack


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Name: Deathtiger

Who helped (If applicable): Sawbone shadowed me Morbid, Kdog, TechnoDad 

Event Name: Kage Warriors Attack

Summary of the story: The CIS wanted data about the base so they sent a group of Kage Warrior with the CIS supporting them to come and collect data about the base a send it to them. After the data is sent to the CIS there new mission is to get to the ship that is located by the village caves. If they make it they then fly away.

What was the result of the event?: The CIS started to attack and the Kage warriors entered base two made it into BCC and the other broke off and was spotted. The one that broke off was killed and the two was caught and broke off. The last one in the base died and the last one ran away from the base. The one that fled was found and gave up he was took to base and when into Interrogation.  Two other Kage Warriors come from a hidden location to try to lie to them to get their captured Brother by saying they was a big hunting party. they was took to brig and put in a holding cell. the last original attack was executed and the two that came out of hiding left the base and disappeared 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: A little bit of both


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