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Holo - Darkness on rishi


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Name: Holo

Who helped (If applicable): Anderson | Ping | Mech | Vector

Event Name: Darkness on rishi

Summary of the story: A base on rishi moon was attacked by the CIS in full force. the base garrison was taken completely off guard and was quickly over run. While the clone walk through the ruined base they find many war crimes commited both by the CIS and the republic. painting a grey picture of war. Various members of the base High staff were killed or killed themselfs in the engagement. Only few remain missing. it would be up to the players to find out and uncover what happened on the base.

What was the result of the event?: The republic broke through a CIS baricade and extracted the troops

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

Autism made me do it.

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