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Beasty | Locke's Staff Application

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RP Name: Havoc Squad PLTL MSG Locke | Jedi G Padawan Beasty

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81575395

VIP (Y/N): Yes

Age: 17

Timezone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have been on this server for a couple of months now. The two months I have been here have not been consecutive; the first one taking place in February/March and the second one has been the past 18 days. The past 14 days I've put 122 hours into Garry's Mod; 100 or so without some idle time. I really do enjoy my time on this server, but at times things seem slow. For instance, as a pilot, I will request a plane for something like a patrol, but it takes multiple attempts in staff chat to even get a response. I'm aware that it is SA+ who can spawn planes, but there are still a large amount on the server when I request; if not, I understand that the few on may be AFK or just super busy. Clearly, I'm not going to get put straight into SA, but I would like to work up my ranks and do my best along the way. The staff to user/vip ratio isn't too bad, but response times overall are just too slow. I think I would be able to help in some ways such as accepting whatever ticket requesting assistance for something. I really want to be the face of change of staff because my impression of them is that if they see a something they can't help with, they just absolutely do nothing. Obviously, there are going to be good staff members who do indeed do the right thing; I would be one of those members.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 17 years old and I'm beginning my senior year of high school. I can provide maturity, but I can also be an extremely friendly person that does seem to always drive people away with how serious they are about things. I know the balance between too much maturity and fun, it's just a video game, no need to drive people away from the server because you are too serious, right? I am super active when it comes to being on the server. However, recently I've been trying to mix my time on Garry's Mod with other games in order to keep myself from getting burnt out. I do my best to make sure I am still active on the server of course and I'd ensure that even more if I had the job of staff on the server.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have been owner of servers, co-owner, superadmin, admin, moderator, trialmoderator and lots of servers. Most of the servers I have staff on though was back when I staff hopped servers a couple years ago, but now I'm loyal to servers. More recent staff experiences include owning my own server and working my way up to Moderator on an IceFuse server before I resigned due to the server being too boring.

How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close). 193 hours as of a couple days ago.

Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) N/A

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Now Beasty, while sometimes we have our issues you still are a good person and care a lot about the server and have a lot of good ideas. You are one of my Havoc Squad defects and I love ya for it, but on the flip side you are also a hard worker and someone I can see doing good things for the staff team.

I was in Dooms Unit for a little while.

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5 hours ago, Lights said:

+1 But everytime someone doesn't accept your ticket why you gotta complain in ooc :(

It’s almost every time and there shouldn’t be a situation where I have an unanswered ticket and it isn’t usually in ooc that I complain, mostly in the staff chat in which I’m already being ignored in. That’s why I’m applying for staff, I want to help put an end to that.

Edited by PartiallyBeast
Grammar errors and touching up the message
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