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Strange Rock's Part 2


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Name: Rick

Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name: Strange Rock's Part 2

Summary of the story:The strange unknown man Jikneo Ralok deciding that he liked what happened with his testing and research before sends down strange bug hives to test the bug's and the hives.  Just like before he sends in an covert group of hired observer's to watch and oversee the research and testing.  Will the same thing happen that happened before? Will the republic find that the same outer rim planet is linked to these strange observer's it's up to the decisions made by the republic.

What was the result of the event?: Jikneo Ralok ended up getting the research he needed and his observers ended up escaping and Jikneos research was a success. The republic ended up taking heavy casualties but they did a good job defeating the bugs while they were heavily crowded and the HMC was blown out.  Towards the end Jikneo while trying not to blow his cover offered supply's and help to the republic but was immediately declined and was under suspicion.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up






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10/10 I love bug events im all about it. the characters were fun and interesting and it didnt have any dull moments!


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