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Clutch - Bounty on Senator Amidala


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Name: Clutch

Who helped (If applicable): Lights

Event Name: Bounty on Senator Amidala

Summary of the story: Two Bounty hunters were sent by a group called the "Bounty Hunter Guild" to take out Senator Amidala. They are going to break into Side hanger and once they do they will have reinforcements outside of the gate for when they are in. The reinforcements are meant to help them get out with the target and hopefully leave the planet with said target.

What was the result of the event?: As soon as the bounty hunters got into the base they got spotted and were taken to brig for interrogation and as that happened the reinforcements came to main gate twice and were taken out so they went to slate and captured it. The bounty hunters in base got smoked out and knocked the bounty hunters and the real admiral out and one of them died and the other escaped the base and led the troopers to slate as they were met by more members of the guild. Sadly they were not able to captured or come close to capturing the Senator

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



Edited by Clutch
Spelling Errors

 Kaiser                 Zeros                    Clutch

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