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Neptune - Quantum Order Thieves


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Name: Nepunte

Who helped (If applicable): Scream (GH), Kdog (GH) Green, Sparky, Young.

Event Name: Quantum Order Thieves

Summary of the story: A group known as the Quantum Order needed a special power reactor core to power their unknown super weapon. A Republic Spy managed to retrieve it but was shot down before crash landing into the main hangar.  The troopers that were sent to retrieve it came and also managed to capture Rear Admiral Cipher which they used him as leverage to get the information. The troopers came in an escape pod with the Admiral to propose some negotiations but things went south when Serra Keto pulled the admiral to her. Troops were deployed from the ship but were dealt with as well. 21st discovered the location of the base within the ship's barely remaining storage drives as well.

What was the result of the event?:  They found the Order's base and managed to save the power source along with taking out the troops.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay



Hi, I'm Neptune

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