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Scribbles - Greivous's Conundrum


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Name: Scribbles 

Who helped (If applicable): Skip

Event Name:  Greivous's Conundrum  

Summary of the story: General Greivous, a ruthless seperatist general, he had captured 5 younglings and attempted to use them as a bargaining chip to get the republic to vacate the base. However the republic now had a decision to make, potentially take greivous's offer, or get the younglings killed? It was now dire decision making in their hands. The republic chose the hard way, refusing to give up the base and got all the younglings killed, which resulting in a full out plantery assault, in the air and ground. Greivous however had another plan, to use kidnapped Coruscant Citizens and forced them to fight for him. 

What was the result of the event?:  The republic fended off, and killed off all the blackmailed republic citizens and B2s that took over the outposts, as well as burying the youngling bodies. [ENDING 1/3]

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay at the beginning, and Shootemup

Edited by Scribbles
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6/10 Wasn't able to participate for the first half of the event due to ARC Leadership happening at the same time. But it was a decently fun event, maybe don't go for high powered weapons and unlimited grenades on the same NPCs.

"The day I set my flag down, it'll be over my body or over a nation I believe in."

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Just now, PartiallyBeast said:

-1 Sat in one spot for about 45-60 minutes.

There was shit load of stuff goin on, dunno what you were doing, as well out of 10 not -1 or +1


“I’m not toxic, It’s just hard not to treat you like an idiot” ~ Logic


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10/10 - As someone who was an event job, Scribbles put a good amount of effort preparing for this event, and giving people the roleplay (on a serious RP server) that people asked for. And when RP happened, no body really made a decision and really carry on the RP. As a result, the enemy assaulted the base - players had it rough because the ending they chose through their actions led to the ending of it getting rough. 

Please understand that with some events, its player choice based. If players make the wrong choice, or not even making a fucking choice, then as you can expect - things go bad! It's also very sad to see fail RP and poor behavior in the event overall.


I hope players can learn from this, and work together to have more roleplay quality. Looking forward to more events.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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