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Neptune - CIS Mad Scientist Kinda


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Name: Neptune

Who helped (If applicable):

Event Name: CIS Mad Scientist

Summary of the story: A Scientist who was being funded by the CIS who was testing out his new virus on animals  was discovered by the Republic. Medics were sent to the deceased animals to discover how the animals were killed and to create a cure to destroy the virus. Upon finding the area where the scientist, troopers were sent to move in to destroy all that he had and detained him. Upon being interrogated, the scientist secretly kept some of the virus within his boots which he crushed releasing it. He managed to take Tech hostage which he used to find a way to get a LAAT. The bodyguard was sent to prison afterwards. The Virus also, did not affect humans, but only Bith, Ithorians, and livestocks.

What was the result of the event?: The Scientist and his body guard were detained and sent to prison.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both



Hi, I'm Neptune

winkwink- Tumblr posts - Tumbig.com

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