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Knight - Base AI goes rogue!


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Name: Knight

Who helped (If applicable): Sniff

Event Name: Base AI goes rogue!

Summary of the story: CIS plans on infiltrating the base and downloading a virus to the main computers that can corrupt the Base AI and use his permissions against the clones. He'll lock doors and active the turrets in base. The CIS wont invade but merrily watch the Republic suffer with their tech problem. The Base AI can activate B1 Training droids after the clone for a full mayhem.

What was the result of the event?: Base AI took over the base and lead the base under mayhem. The republic manage to deactivate the Base AI by restarting the power.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up



Edited by KnightVR

Current: Game Master | Former: Fox, Thire, Stone, BCMD, Veteran Admin, DSL, ARCLx2
kamino-coruscant — Commander Fox and Sergeant Hound S05x18: The Jedi...

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1/10.   You didn't even make sure they were doing correct ENG RP according to reports I'm getting.   Try NOT letting people do "/me checks button for lights"  /me fixes,".   








Edited by Zensras

Every time I wander into an argument on the forums.

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5/10 - While the event was solid, the ENG rp was handled horrendously. I'm going to start being more honest on AARs when it comes to serious RP and quality of events 

People on the server are FAILRPing when it comes to ENG RP - running into HMC without putting on Hazmat suit, decontaminating in the shower, or anything. Someone ran in to fix the terminal button, called in an admin and said it was fixed. And the Admin said that they didn't want to wait any longer and turned on the reactor.

If you're doing an event and you want it to end, then end it but let the ENG RP continue, don't just shut down the ENGs.

I've been trying to ask people to put more effort in the ENG rp, fix it up, stop failrping, but nothing has worked. I spoke with BO and other engineers/people who agree with my frustration with the matter. So lets work to fix it.

A screenshot sent to me as evidence: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1851583646

Just so it's clear Knight - I did not have an issue with your event. I have an issue with how ENG RP is handled and treated in events.



  • Winner 2

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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In Star wars there isn't really things like AI in the traditional sense of your cortana or AI that runs systems and bases they are mainly contained within droids or other such tools as they are temperamental and can go haywire and end up damaging systems due to their personalities and needing constant memory wipes so why we would have a base AI I would never know good sir

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7/10 - Great event in terms of story, but execution in terms of the RP was sorta incorrect. Try to stick with individuals who are attempting to RP, I had inserted a few anti-virus and programs that would attempt to push back the corruption on the Base AI. Otherwise it was great fun.

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