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Kain's Staff application *Edited*


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RP Name: 501st Legion SMB Jesse

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:68089714 

Age: 17

Gender: How dare you ask (Male)

Timezone: GMT -4

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): The main reason why I truly wish to become an administrator is to direct myself to the game makers branch. I've found many issues and I wish to help and assist a lot with the game makers. In the past, I've worked with many different game makers (Even Joah at one point ;) ) and I feel like I can give some advise and help how to make the game makers branch even better. On the other hand, I also wish to help with keeping entertainment, finding out ways to entertain players without the use of events and try to create small and interesting roleplay scenario. I also wish to help give advise to lower ranking staff, there's been a lot of issues that players have been consistently addressing and I wish to personally address them and give fair criticism. There's a lot of taint right now against staff and I want to help rebuild that image. So, in short, I wish to entertain the player base through more options and build the view on lower ranking staff personally with them.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm usually describes as someone who can come off as really goofy, but when the time comes, I can be very mature and know when to make the right decision. I am a very strict person and don't take bullshit. I'm a very heavy roleplayer and have played on various strict role-playing servers in the past (such as DayZRP). I'm a massive fan of lore in Star Wars and trying to bring immersion. I love writing stories and trying to find new and original ideas. That's me.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I once was a head admin on a DarkRP server for a few months a long time ago.


Also, I'm currently on an LOA until Monday. However, I can probably squeeze in doing my interview during that time if I get accepted. Addition, upon my return, I'll get one of my two slaves from the 501st to train me on being a trainer.

Edited by Kain
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I'm going to have to -1 this, From all I know you are someone who is incapable of having patience... From what it seems by your app you don't want to wait the time to climb your way through the ranks of staff with dedication to the server and effort... The way you have worded it makes it seem you just want the Staff Rank and to be at the top instantly... "I also wish to help with managing the staff as I've seen a lot of issues in the staff team consistently being brought up almost every single day and it really gets me heated" This is only showing your impatience to work amongst the New Admins and come to them as a friend to help them and you would rather "boss" them. If you can reword this so that I can have a full understanding of your capabilities I'd be more than happy to give it support, but for now I'm going to give my honest opinion.

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13 minutes ago, Creator said:

I'm going to have to -1 this, From all I know you are someone who is incapable of having patience... From what it seems by your app you don't want to wait the time to climb your way through the ranks of staff with dedication to the server and effort... The way you have worded it makes it seem you just want the Staff Rank and to be at the top instantly... "I also wish to help with managing the staff as I've seen a lot of issues in the staff team consistently being brought up almost every single day and it really gets me heated" This is only showing your impatience to work amongst the New Admins and come to them as a friend to help them and you would rather "boss" them. If you can reword this so that I can have a full understanding of your capabilities I'd be more than happy to give it support, but for now I'm going to give my honest opinion.

 Edited. Came off differently than intended. This should give a better understanding of what I was trying to say.

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-1 ...

I'm sorry Kain, but your reputation exceeds you. To me, your overall attitude on taking something like staff seriously, (IMO) is something I do not see you doing. You have shown in the past, that you cannot take criticism. I have personally seen how you have dealt with people, and the way you handle situations, and (IMO) is something that I would not like to see in staff. 

19 hours ago, Kain said:

 Addition, upon my return, I'll get one of my two slaves from the 501st to train me on being a trainer.

^^^ I do not care if this is a 'meme', but come one Kain... This is your STAFF application..... Not your TeamSpeak channel.

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Fuck this. Close it. I'm tired of bullshit following me and telling me that I can't fucking take feedback when I'm not told what to fix at all. The biggest reason I want to be staff is to help bring a lot of originality because I noticed that I can't always bring my ideas to a game makers and I wanted to work for that. To say that I have no patience is bullshit, for a year and 7 months I worked in the 501st to eventually get to my position and I didn't quit once. And my reputation exceeds me? For wanting to help not only with game makers about helping around with stories and all of this but wanting to really help with application processes on Game makers (because I'm really dedicated to helping them). I also wanted to help with the very tainted image that staff have on them. I want to help them. And the only time I don't take criticism is when I know completely that something is bullshit, so I defend myself. You can ask Jackson or Woeny that is listen to a shit ton of their criticism and from many many other people. 

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49 minutes ago, Kain said:

Fuck this. Close it. I'm tired of bullshit following me and telling me that I can't fucking take feedback when I'm not told what to fix at all. The biggest reason I want to be staff is to help bring a lot of originality because I noticed that I can't always bring my ideas to a game makers and I wanted to work for that. To say that I have no patience is bullshit, for a year and 7 months I worked in the 501st to eventually get to my position and I didn't quit once. And my reputation exceeds me? For wanting to help not only with game makers about helping around with stories and all of this but wanting to really help with application processes on Game makers (because I'm really dedicated to helping them). I also wanted to help with the very tainted image that staff have on them. I want to help them. And the only time I don't take criticism is when I know completely that something is bullshit, so I defend myself. You can ask Jackson or Woeny that is listen to a shit ton of their criticism and from many many other people. 

This shit is why I fucking blasted you. All you do is pull the fucking victim card and cry your little eyes out when people call you out. They gave you plenty of things to fucking fix. So fucking shape up.

-1 Not fit to be staff if he maintains the victim card personality.

First and Last Jaing Skirata

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2 minutes ago, Venom said:

This shit is why I fucking blasted you. All you do is pull the fucking victim card and cry your little eyes out when people call you out. They gave you plenty of things to fucking fix. So fucking shape up.

-1 Not fit to be staff if he maintains the victim card personality.

Then why am I fucking not told huh? It's hard to fix shit without being told what the fix.

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4 hours ago, Artemis - Phoenix said:

I do not personally believe you have the patience or the ability to act impartially.


6 hours ago, Naavi said:

I'm sorry Kain, but your reputation exceeds you. To me, your overall attitude on taking something like staff seriously, (IMO) is something I do not see you doing. You have shown in the past, that you cannot take criticism. I have personally seen how you have dealt with people, and the way you handle situations, and (IMO) is something that I would not like to see in staff. 


23 hours ago, Creator said:

I'm going to have to -1 this, From all I know you are someone who is incapable of having patience


6 minutes ago, Venom said:

All you do is pull the fucking victim card and cry your little eyes out when people call you out. They gave you plenty of things to fucking fix. So fucking shape up.


4 minutes ago, Kain said:

It's hard to fix shit without being told what the fix.

You're welcome.

First and Last Jaing Skirata

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7 minutes ago, Venom said:





You're welcome.

You're not getting what I am saying. In those cases That "criticism" was literally just saying I'm doing things wrong without specifying. Every single fucking time drama happens, I instantly start trying to fix It, talking with Trig, multiple talks with Llama, talking to Reaper. But somehow I don't take any criticism? And I'm baffled where I can't take shit seriously or I don't have any patience. That is why I'm finding this bullshit.

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