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Merrill - In the Hills and Trees


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Scribbles, Logan

Summary: A commando droid sneaks into the base to deactivate the shields and generator while the CIS set up a artillery outpost to rain fire upon the base. Additionally, B2s are hidden around the forest to assault the troopers as they move to the outpost.

Outcome: Eventually, the commando droid was defeated, but not before a hail of missiles and B2s descended upon the base. The clones fought them off and returned to the base, suffering heavy losses before finally destroying the cannon. CIS bombarded the base in dust once it was lost, and commanded the remaining B2s to hid in the trees for ambush or a later invasion.

Type: Shoot Em Up

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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