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SCP-5122 - "Synergy Roleplay"

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Item #: SCP-5122

Object Class:  Keter

Special Containment Procedures: There are no known containment procedures for the overall anomalous effect known as SCP-5122. As of ██/██/20██ , all individuals of Site ██ are currently under the effects of SCP-5122, including ██ SCP's. SCP-5122 is a self managing SCP, thanks to to SCP-5122-A, or "administration" team. To prevent further SCP's and ranking individuals of the Foundation from being introduced to SCP-5122's anomalous effects, transfers of any individuals or SCP to Site ██ must be approved by at least two (2) O-5 council members. Under no circumstances are any individuals under the effect of SCP-5122 allowed to leave Site ██ without direct approval of the SCP-5122-A team at Site ██. Any expeditions of SCP-5122 infected individuals into locations outside of Site ██ must be monitored by SCP-5122-A units at all times.

Description: SCP-5122 is an anomalous effect that directly affects the area around Site ██. Any intelligent life that spend any time longer then fifteen (15) minutes in proximity with Site ██ will be possessed by one of many entities which are not currently present in our universe, and no longer have any direct control over their actions. These individuals, henceforth referred to as SCP-5122 entities, will continue to act in accordance with regular Foundation protocols, however, SCP-5122 entities will identify as individuals generally ranging from the ages of 13-25 playing a  online video game called "Garrys Mod", as a part of a larger "roleplaying" community, known as Synergy Roleplay. This anomalous effect also applies to SCP's under the care of Site ██. Once an individual has been infected, it is possible for them to hold multiple host's, however, there is no documented case of one individual being possessed by more then one individual at a time. As of ██/██/███, SCP-███ has held 3 separate hosts. Intelligent life that has been infected by SCP-5122 is noted to be aware of the actions that they are making, but have no control over their actions.

SCP-5122 seems to have a set hierarchy, with an administration team and chain of command. Individuals a part of the administration team, known as SCP-5122-A, are responsible for upholding the good standing of the Site, and generally assume the roll of members of the Foundation, however, it is very possible that an SCP-5122-A entity could possess a D-Class individual, or even an SCP. When an SCP-5122-A entity takes control of an individual, there is no separation between it and and a regular SCP-5122 entity until a "rule" has been broken. Rules, as defined by SCP-5122-A entities, are established by "Directors", and "Joah", Herby referred to as SCP-5122-D and SCP-5122-J. The community of individuals in SCP-5122 hold these rules to a very serious standard, and most, if not all "rules" seems to be in line with standard Foundation protocol. However, from time to time, divergent entities will appear, generally possessing D-Class individuals. These divergent, or SCP-5122-X, are generally belligerent, callous, and act with a flagrant disregard to their own situation, and are quickly dealt with. When a SCP-5122-A entity is alerted, whether through a unknown form of instant communication, or through direct visual contact of a SCP-5122-X entity, they will employ a variety of discipline and gain superhuman powers for the period of discipline, including Flight, Teleportation, Invulnerability, Invisibility, and Matter Creation. As of █/██/███, the recorded forms of discipline have been: termination, verbal admonishment, expulsion from the host body, and █████████.

SCP-5122 is not treatable by any means. Individuals under the influence of SCP-5122 appear to remain under its influence until they expire. Even termination is not considered as valid way to remove the effects of SCP-5122 from an individual. The only known way to remove the effects of SCP-5122 is for the host to willingly return the body to it's previously owner. SCP-5122 does not seems malicious in its day to day activities, and there seems to be a concentrated effort by the SCP-5122 Administration team to maintain order, as well as "entertain", the regular SCP-5122 entities. The SCP-5122 community has proven incredibly capable of pacifying incredibly dangerous SCP's, and Site ██ has been the focus of multiple GOI's due to this fact. Site ██ has currently been attacked, or experienced containment failure a total of ██ times, and has recovered from all catastrophes within hours. Individuals within SCP-5122's effect radius that respond directly to the SCP-5122-A are functionally immortal, and will "respawn" after an unknown amount of time. SCP-5122, and by extension, Site ██ is considered extremely dangerous due to the possibility of SCP-5122-X individuals developing at any time in any individual. Dr. Bright, who remains on site to this day has been quoted with saying "Imagine if SCP-682 just started RDM'ing everything. That'd be fucked up wouldnt it?". Until an adequate cure can be found, assistance is to be supplied to Site ██ when requested by SCP-5122-D or SCP-5122-J entities, and for all concerning purposes, SCP-5122-J is to be considered a member of the O-5 Council concerning the safety of Site ██.

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