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Event Ideas Thread


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So as of recent, events have been becoming pretty simplistic and the same. Here, you can post your ideas for the future Game Makers and current Game Makers.


My Idea:

It's a normal day on the ship, everybody seems to be attending to their normal duties. However, a couple of CG notice that there is a dead naval in observation deck. The Naval is pronounced dead on the scene. The CG will sweep the third floor for any hostiles but all they see are more dead Naval. Clones then start turning against each other, each one blaming it on one and another. However, something fishy happens, a 101st trooper says the following words in comms " Roger Roger, it was the CG " Since there are no Naval alive, the Reg. Commanders are now officially in charge. This leads to complete chaos, no ones calling DEFCONS, troopers not knowing where to go, no one controlling the ship. However, after a SOS signal was sent to other Republic Fleets, a ship of newly trained fleet hop aboard to take action, they get a huge escort with CG to 3rd floor having maximum protection. DEFCON 3 is called, the 101st trooper finally reveals his true identity, turns out, it was a Commando Droid sent by the CIS. Not only was it one, but it was 5. The Commando droids send a comms signal to the CIS fleet that the time has come to take over the ship. Swarms of droids come aboard, they never stop coming. It has come to the point where Commanders have been taken hostage, and even the new Naval. Grevious, Dooku, Assaj, and all Deathwatch are aboard. The only people left are the actual clones themselves and Jedi (excluding clone commanders). You guys do what you do but, the hostages HAVE TO BE ALIVE. 


Hopefully, this thread goes to use. 

Edited by chhing
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Good idea in theory, (No offence to you) would be an awful event. People would take it, and throw it in an entirely different direction, and having that much RP is just not possible on the server. Not only that, the droid thing is just kinda cringey, I'm sorry but it is. When I get back, I'll try to do something like this for you, just a bit more added onto it. 

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