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Fallout/Candle Wookie Showdown Event Server Event.


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Who helped (If applicable): Stormzy (GH)  Joe
: Maze/Malore

Event Name: Wookie Rescue

Summary of the story: a wookie was taken by the cis for experimentation and was left with a clan. 41st Null and 327th Were deployed to stop this. it started off with them being breifed. they then proceeded to meet up with wookie warriors and Jonathan. They went and took the the outposts and took the codes from the lieutenants, and proceeded to the main compound. the commander Kreeck was inside with wookie wife Jamie inside holding her hostage. they got inside and got to Kreeck and were able to convince him to stand down. jonathon got his wife back and the wookies wer able to take back Kashyyk

What was the result of the event?: Kreeck was taken captive and the wookies reclaimed their land

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay and Shootem Up

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