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GM System change -- GM Discord my suggestion

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My suggestion may seem complicated so read carefully. @Game Master Officer @Marvel @Game Master This suggestion is about how us Game masters deploy battalions.. Ive said this in the past and Ive talked to alot of people about my idea for deployments to other people and they seem to agree to it. My suggestion: Let High Command (Regimental+) be able to choose who they want to deploy for events that are hosted and created by Game masters If a Regimental commander+ Is not on than go to the highest ranking officer of the battalion you want to deploy and speak to them and give them the situation/scnario. Currently we have a system when you join staff and become a GM which is not hard nowadays you are able to deploy any battalion you want and create and do whatever you want for your events following the rules/guidelines that dont crash the server. Changing this system to make it where Battalion Commanders and Regimentals+ being able to decide and choose who they want to deploy for the event and situation makes emersion of being a commander more serious both on main server and the event server. As well as prep people for deployments which would happen just like in the clone wars. Most GMs that deploy battalions are usually junior - senior officers in battalions. How does it make sense for them to decide who they want to deploy for event server events as well as tell them what to do. If this system where to be implemented this means battalions that dont receive deployments alot can be deployed by choice of the Regimental+ or even BCMD. As well as it can add rp by doing pre recon before the event/operation has happened causing commanders to talk and make strats. You may say "What happens if theres no Regimental nor BCMDs/commanders on?" Than ask the highest ranking of the battalion that you would like to see in the event choose what he wants to do for the operation/event.
Ive spoken to alot of Commanders/battalion commanders about the system BCMD Neyo (Quebec) approves and said "It would help battalions that dont get deployed as often get deployed" BCMD Wolffe (FM) Approves "If its implemented correctly!" Chancellor Qal approves "I like the idea" BCMD Doom (Dennis [GMO]) approves "Sounds good actually NGL" BCMD Bly (Tripoli) Approves "Ill support it, its good idea it gives alot more purpose for commanders" 187th XO Keegan Approves "The whole thing with game masters theres not alot of emersion with the fact and it would be a good thing to add"
If you have any questions feel free to ask and I will be willing to answer
----------------------------- This will increase RP as well as enjoyment of being a commander. This is a war you are a commander you should be able to act like one in a operation as well as be able to choose who you would want to deploy like in the storyline of the clone wars show ---------------- THIS ALSO CREATES MORE OF A STORY ELEMENT This is for server entertainment remember !!(edited)

Edited by BlackiSblack
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I dont have access to discord so im just seeing this 

heres my two sense 

This is cool but creates a ton more work for the GM a ton more prep work to be sure to have rp for who ever they choose to deploy this is just removing another element the gamemaster has control over I would also like to add sure it create more rp and enjoyment of being a commander but its not much just adding another layer of things the gm cant control 

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1 minute ago, Sanchez Resident said:

I dont have access to discord so im just seeing this 

heres my two sense 

This is cool but creates a ton more work for the GM a ton more prep work to be sure to have rp for who ever they choose to deploy this is just removing another element the gamemaster has control over I would also like to add sure it create more rp and enjoyment of being a commander but its not much just adding another layer of things the gm cant control 

Barely ton more work wat do you mean?? - its the commanders who are planning not the GM - the gm only has to set up the scanrio like a normal event this creates more rp to the playerbase this is for server entertainment not for the GM not liking it. also general chat

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Just now, BlackiSblack said:

Barely ton more work wat do you mean?? - its the commanders who are planning not the GM - the gm only has to set up the scanrio like a normal event this creates more rp to the playerbase this is for server entertainment not for the GM not liking it. also general chat

ok think about this its the gamemaster that has to prepare the event server and map for who ever he deploys unless your a gamemaster that just slaps droids down on a map and calls it good this will add more work on your side the commanders aren't planning they are simply saying you deploy and you deploy yes its cool but it should not be forced more of a thing that a gamemaster can choose to do 

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5 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

ok think about this its the gamemaster that has to prepare the event server and map for who ever he deploys unless your a gamemaster that just slaps droids down on a map and calls it good this will add more work on your side the commanders aren't planning they are simply saying you deploy and you deploy yes its cool but it should not be forced more of a thing that a gamemaster can choose to do 

Planning yes if they want to deploy ARF Units to get more intel they can they also get to prepare the battalions they want to deploy with them THAT IS CALLED PLANNING . As a GAME MASTER who has done this.. Ive seen it worked as well as the players enjoying you can go ask 91st or 212th... Ive also have been getting complaints about ARF The sub branch not being used alot for events because of the recon regiment maining primarily recon this will give them the advantage of using their jobs instead of being useless... 

Edited by BlackiSblack
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Already given my opinion to him about this but I'd love the involvement. I've heard that multiple 212th and 91st guys had fun with his idea, so I don't think it's a horrible thing.

Personally, I'd love it, that's all I'm saying. +1

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3 minutes ago, BlackiSblack said:

Planning yes if they want to deploy ARF Units to get more intel they can they also get to prepare the battalions they want to deploy withthat them THAT IS CALLED PLANNING . As a GAME MASTER who has done this.. Ive seen it worked as well as the players enjoying you can go ask 91st or 212th... Ive also have been getting complaints about ARF The sub branch not being used alot for events because of the recon regiment maining primarily recon this will give them the advantage of using their jobs instead of being useless... 

what are you even responding to 

dude thats still more work for the gamemaster the gamemaster can still do this without being forced to 

This is going to be a thing and then gamemasters are going to complain and its going to get removed thats all im saying 

Dont force people do something just because you think its a good idea 

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Just now, Sanchez Resident said:

what are you even responding to 

dude thats still more work for the gamemaster the gamemaster can still do this without being forced to 

This is going to be a thing and then gamemasters are going to complain and its going to get removed thats all im saying 

Dont force people do something just because you think its a good idea 

I dont just think its a good idea.. A bunch of BCMDs and commanders who play on the servers do.. If you think this is alot of work than I dont know what to say than..

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Just now, BlackiSblack said:

I dont just think its a good idea.. A bunch of BCMDs and commanders who play on the servers do.. If you think this is alot of work than I dont know what to say than..

smh listen I love involving high command in events I specifically deploy them to take control I give them the story and they roll with it 

But this is a discussion so you need to acknowledge the flaws people dont like to forced to do things and I dont either and not just kind of brain dead raise this up like its the word of god I dont think people should be forced to do it and for certain events this can cause problems requiring more work from the gamemaster to include any decision high command might make 

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let me put this in perspective for you the events i do are very scripted 215fe0c0e1c29f1e267edd126e78242e.png

that was the word count for the last deployment I did this was awhile ago now imagine if I had to plan for all the decisions that high command could make it would be almost triple the amount of work that I do  

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7 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

let me put this in perspective for you the events i do are very scripted 215fe0c0e1c29f1e267edd126e78242e.png

that was the word count for the last deployment I did this was awhile ago now imagine if I had to plan for all the decisions that high command could make it would be almost triple the amount of work that I do  

High command would primarily choose who to deploy not change how the story is... As well as plan of action to each mission you create.

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9 minutes ago, Sanchez Resident said:

let me put this in perspective for you the events i do are very scripted 215fe0c0e1c29f1e267edd126e78242e.png

that was the word count for the last deployment I did this was awhile ago now imagine if I had to plan for all the decisions that high command could make it would be almost triple the amount of work that I do  

also trust me ive done that work as well https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XnyD0uadVBJYMH8ml0AJf9eKtwsmRYUIO9ts6yTwZ-k/edit?usp=sharing with the planning and everything and it was not much to me 

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1 minute ago, BlackiSblack said:

High command would primarily choose who to deploy not change how the story is... As well as plan of action to each mission you create.

i understand that but each battalion can affect the story differently because each battalion behaves and functions differently also that was for one event when I mean my events are scripted they are SCRIPTED every actions is planned out by myself this has its pros and cons 

@Cryptic can vouch for me I helped him do his first event the planning for it took around 10 hours it was a two part event 

This is cool if you do your events specific way but not everyone does and forcing this isnt epic and sure they plan the actions but you have to set up the actions and give them the opportunities to do so 

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Tbh mate. Seems like way too much work.

It just seems like the GM's would have to go through extra hassle to figure who'd get deployed. You'd probably have to gather all Regimental's at the same time. Which never seems likely, and it could lead to arguments back and fourth. Where as the GM knows what Deployment it is they're making and who to deploy. Yes, It would add more RP but could also cause more issues. -1

Some dude that's been in SO BDE more times than he can count.

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Big fucking -1 to that buddy

I became Gamemaster to contribute to the community of the server and have some fun with my imagination just like most people in the program, however I refuse to be restricted on what and who I can deploy all for the sake of some RP that will probably become nothing more than some gaggle sooner or later, (Example: It's Like a battalion asking for more passive Roleplay but when they get deployed they just run and gun down everything in sight and avoid all the villagers.) But that's just me ranting.

To be honest, I don't even write out a document for any of my event, I just do it, while keeping in mind the main specialty of the battalion I plan on deploying, Because as a GM, seeing the mission unfold how it should be with the correct battalion is a lot more satisfying then having the wrong battalion come and botch up all your hard work.

My points on the matter:
1. Taking away the GM's freedom to deploy any battalion.
2. More Unnecessary work for the GM's.
3. More time wasted on high command trying to figure out who to deploy if any are on.
4. If a battalion isn't getting deployed, then perhaps something can be made by the GMM or GMC to implement on the GM Program docs that resets each week to tell which battalions have or havn't been deployed so that GM's can focus around that.

And what Sanchez said about it I agree with, it feels like forcing GM's.

Retired:  OG of Synergy | Head Admin | Game Master Chief | Senior Attack and Defense Brigade Commander | #FirstCommanderAppToBeAcceptedOnTheForums.

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-1 what tino said 

Ex HA | VA | SA | A | NA | GMC | GMM | GMO |
GM | GH | TRO x4? | TR | RTR | Hunter | Darman | Mereel | Fixer | Etain | Anakin | Hett | Base ops Commander | Forum Mod | Ahsoka x2| Tyzen Xebec | cooker | Jesse | Tup | warthog - Everything else i was

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