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Ocelot / Waxer's Staff application


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RP Name: Ghost Company 2ndLT Waxer

Steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:25623241

Age: 22

Gender: M

Timezone: Mountain Time (UTC-6)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator : 

I wish to be an administrator on SR due to the sheer amount hours I spend on the server. Even though I live in Canada, my work schedule restricts me to playing on the server late night. (9PM-6AM on most nights) I can see that there is a shortage in TR's available due to most of them being asleep. I believe that I can be a big help in this catagory and continue to move the Clone Cadet's through their training at an efficient rate, instead of them waiting 30-40 minutes for a trainer. I enjoy helping people with issues as it not only helps those in need, but it is also a way for me to meet people from all the different groups on the server that I have yet to introduce myself to. I also like talking about the server and its rules, so tedious questions actually intrigue me instead of annoy me. Another reason I would like to join staff, is it is also similar to joining another community and opens me up to conversations with people that I have never spoke to in the past. The main reason I would like to join staff is because I love the server and its community. (We have some real characters)

Tell us a little about yourself:

I am Canadian. I have a passion for mixed martial arts, And I can talk my ass off about sports for hours on end. I've been around the community for a while as I started playing Icefuse about early to mid December, 2016. My biggest passion is music, I have composed music for about 6 years and love almost all genres of music. From Hip-Hop to classic rock, and Jazz to classical. Only thing I cant listen to is Country. :)


Do you have any previous staff experience?

I was a Moderator on Icefuse for a while and stopped playing shortly after receiving an S-mod position.


Thanks for reading! I'm looking forward to speaking with whoever reads this!

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You posted this in the wrong neighborhood.


But +1, you're a good guy Waxer and I would love to see you help around on the server.

"If you have time to think of a beautiful end, then live beautifully until the end." 

"A hero need not speak. For when he is gone, the world will speak for him." 



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