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Blaki - Hunting


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Name: Blaki

Who helped (If applicable): Dopamine (GH), Spaghetti, Kubert

Event Name: Hunting

Summary of the story: Some bounty hunters (Assaj, Boba Fett, Bossk and Embo) came to Endor for hunting. They managed to capture Commander Cipher of Base Ops.They did manage to do that. After Negotiations Republic got him back. However CIS attacked the planet to kill Ventress. After a siege on outposts and the base CIS Fleet was destroyed. However Dooku decided to go and find ventress. However Ventress warped out of the system already. Dooku got captured and they got information about a senator prisoned on a water planet. (deployment will happen soon)

What was the result of the event?: Republic Won

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

Edited by Blaki

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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overall a boring event for anyone who wasn't interrogating, we were pretty much on watch duty for 30 minutes. Also Boba escaped when 212th was covering the 2 doors in CY that are required to leave and enter base, even though we didn't see Boba leave from CY

Edited by Ratchet
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4/10 How did boba escape? Also why would dooku trap himself in Medbay? he ended up dying there due to that fact. also why was the GM 2 different Event jobs? pretty sure GM isn't supposed to be jobs. This was clearly planned out but i don't think you adapted well. Also towards the end it dragged on a lot longer than it should have. 

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4 minutes ago, huntinrob said:

also ventress had already escaped by the time dooku arrived and it didn't make sense. if you would have ended it there it would have been a little better.

How would dooku know she escaped? He was looking for a prisoner so he entered medbay. 

And GM is allowed to be Event Jobs. 

At the end it was planned to end early but we were waiting for "chancellor as someone said" but he never arrived so we ended it. 

And boba didnt Escape. Someone killed him with a knife. Not gonna call the person out. 

Edited by Blaki

First and only Polish Director:pepeSheesh:

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