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Rose GM Application


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Name: Rose

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61190341


How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:|  1017:41:36.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: 9/10

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes 


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: I would use the bf_arid Map deploy 91st 104th and 187th. The mission Would be to recover a blackbox from a fallen Republic Shuttle as well as a datapad that was enroute to endor with important intel about a CIS blacksite where they are holding 2 Republic Spy's and interrogating them. I would then deploy attack battalions to recover the 2 spy's (2 Part event)


Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):



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Your application has been DENIED 

Please wait 7 days to reapply after staff punishment is handed out

You may reapply on 7/29/19

// locked

// moved to "Denied" 

Current: Kevin Colt leader of the Colt Crime Syndicate | Alpha-69 Dennis 

Former: BCMD Doom x3| Havoc Squad Brimstone x3 | Base Ops CMD | Delta Jedi | BCMD Colt | BCMD Bacara | Specialized Regimental Commander x2 | First Count Dooku and creator of the CIS | Rear Admiral Orson Krennic 

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