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Makella's ATK pt.1

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Who helped (If applicable):Young,Draco,Cup,Fallout,

Event Name:Makella's ATK pt.1

Summary of the story: CIS Droid Makella had a sith brainwash 2 kaminoans.Along with them kidnapping a police droid.They start setting up for an attack.They get plenty of boxes.They Insert The Rakghoul virus into the boxes.They Get a Ship with a LAAT and Send It To A Republic Base.The Police Droid Drops off the "shipment" then leaves.Shortly After Once They Thought all the boxes were spread up around the base.They sent the 2 Kaminoan scientists in with Commando Droids as Back up.So They Go to medbay ,calling CTs To Medbay so that they can inject troopers with the Rakghoul virus without it being obivious.Then Once They Spreaded The Virus, They Started To Attack Base by Pushing a Remote Button TO Open All Boxes.Then they started to attack individually.After The Kaminoans died.Makella Realized and Sent in droids to try and destroy and bomb the base.But Failed And left. Might Be Coming Back. 

What was the result of the event?: The Base Was Heavily Attacked,But managed to uphold the zombies,rakghoul virus and Droids.The CIS Droid Makella Left after Bombing

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:Both.



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