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Sabre - Failed Bounty Hunters


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Name: Sabre


Who helped (If applicable): Neptune, Sniff, Logan, Young, Thegan, Apex.


Event Name: Failed Bounty Hunters


Summary of the story: An elite squad of bounty hunters went to the base to gather data for grievous, they failed in that task so grievous went down to help but he ended up getting captured his magnaguard tries to save him and fails but Grievous escapes in the end. The Bounty Hunters also took a hostage to gather data but they died on there escape from the Republic Base.


What was the result of the event?: Bounty Hunters took a hostage to gather data. Grievous gets captured and magnaguard tries to save him but he fails, grievous escapes bearly to fight another day.


Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot’em up but aspects of RP

Current: Vango

Former: Mechanised Regimental | (First) 41st MEDL CMD Gett | 104th General Plo KoonNaval Commander Vango | Jedi General Adi Gallia Sinker | Serra Keto | Battalion Commander Wolffe

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