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Panzer's Staff Application


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RP Name: 187th RECON CSM Panzer

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204488655

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Timezone: Pacific Standard Time (California)

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Now, why do I want to be in this position? Well, I believe that I am capable to play a part in the community by assisting others when in need. Although there isn't much activity on the forums as compared to when the server was made, there are still problems that can be encountered.

Furthermore, I have borne big responsibilities before, as I am the a Head Admin of a SCP RP (SPD Gaming). Being a Head Admin is a great responsibility to shoulder as it is my job to keep the server going and running with ease.
Hence, I understand the responsibility of being part of the community and the staff team.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am your average 15 year old, I play baseball and I try to be as active as possible but with school you know I'm not going to be online EVERY day. I've been playing GMod for a couple years now and came here from #CancerFuseNetworks. I started on this server a couple days ago after Reaper came to the icefuse teamspeak and told me how much better it is here.

Do you have any previous staff experience? I have just resigned from the ranks of Senior Moderator in Icefuse CWRP, Head Admin on SCPRP, Executive on my friends CWRP and tmod on another CityRP I barely ever play on.

Edited by Panzer
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So in order to be staff on a server I love, I have to give up staff on other servers that I've worked very hard for just because you want us to focus here 100%... If that's how it's gonna be I'd rather not even play here

Edited by Panzer
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On 9/10/2017 at 8:24 AM, Porsche said:


It seems you wouldn't have enough time to staff here being all those tanks on another server.


21 hours ago, Forseen said:

Sorry bud, we have a rule where you can only staff on one server being ours due to conflict of interest.


21 hours ago, Freck said:

Isn't it a server rule that you can only staff on our server And not staff on others at the same time? @Medic?? 

HAPPY? I resigned from everything I worked so hard for just to be staff here.

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2 hours ago, Panzer said:



HAPPY? I resigned from everything I worked so hard for just to be staff here.

We (as a community) Do not expect every minute of your time, but when you are on we would like commitment, therefore thats why we got the 1 server rule, plus the rule means no server conflict :) Im sure @Forseen can agree. 


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Unfortunately at this time we have decided to deny your application for staff due to poor community feedback & Staffing on another server.
You may reapply for the position in 30 days, on October 16th.(Given you are not staffing on another server.)
Use this time to improve yourself as an applicant.

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