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Foxy Staff Application *EDITED*


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RP Names:TR EOD MED CG CSM Foxy / CG Jedi Padawan Foxy

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60861308

Age: 15

Gender: male

Time zone: EST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would wish to help others in more than one way than just running around the ship and arresting people with my baton. I could also help by using the sims or helping out with events. this would also help me connect with the community and others. I could also help others by not just if they need a question or if they are doing an event but if they just need someone to talk to or even if they do have a question about the server or the game like binds , server rules ect. Not just the players by helping them but also other staff or connect the people if the need. I want to be able to give back more and continue in hand with growing the server. I also know pretty much all server rules since I'm CG so that is not needed to be worried about. I will be active as much as I can but school will be annoying but I will try most definitely to get on every day to help the server grow and succeed even more as best I can. So I hope you give me the chance to become a staff member and help not just the servers but others in more ways than just CG and arresting people and help the server grow and become better than it already is.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I Live in southern Maryland all my life and live in the country so yeah. I'm in high school but now that I think about it that's kind of obvious and I'm also in NJROTC. I also am on as much as possible because there is not much else to do to be honest with you. I'm kinda all over the place if I need to be so I can be in more place than once quickly.

Do you have any previous staff experience?

No but I'm willing to learn and grow to become a better staff member.

Edited by fox7203
added more information


Wosy was here

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I realized I have already given this App a -1, but I'm just going to add a bit more because someone who is applying for staff should not be glitching inside the ship and going to the bottom of the Admin Sit Box with the only intention to spy on the Event Jobs to get an understanding of the incoming event, not only is it Failrp, but it is also something that you can use to metagame severely which is highly frowned upon, all I'm going to say is that if you can't obey the rules as a player, I can only predict what you might do as Staff.

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