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Nade's 104th Garon Campaign Mission 10

Nade Jones

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Name: Nade

Who helped (If applicable): Jupiter, Mason, Agent

Event Name: Garon Campaign Mission 10

Summary of the story: 

Mission Log 10 - Planning Phase


Location: Dosa (Garon System)


Task:  The planet of Dosa was lost last time and it is 104ths job to recapture it. Lets give it everything we got. We need to succeed in this mission.


Recon Stage Choices: 

  1. Deploy an experimental Stealth ship to perform recon (Crewed by 2 SO troopers) 2 credits

  2. Send out Republic Drones to attempt to take pictures of the landscape (1 credit)

  3. No Recon(Rely on intel gathered from the next stage)

Orbital Stage:

  1. Assault the fleet in order to reduce enemy forces encountered in ground stage (2 Credits for every “platoon” of fighters, 1 credits for every Y-Wing)

  2. Leave the fleet be (Additional ground forces)

Ground Stage:

  1. Deploy on a LAAT in an area of your choice

  2. Enter via secret tunnels

Identified Hostiles:  CIS B1s, B2s



  • Wipe out all enemy forces on the planet.

  • Liberate the village

  • Take over the military base





What was the result of the event?:

Mission Log 9 - After Action Report


Mission report: 104th choose to send out drones which managed to confirm that the village people were slaughtered as well as some of the forces which they were to expect, 104th also deploy their hunter squadron which took out 3 Frigates and a Hardcell transport. During the ground phase 104th used a secret tunnel entrance which they found earlier, during the battle they took heavy casualties but ultimately completed the mission restoring their honor after their recent failure which lead to the loss of this planet.

Troopers deployed: 104th


Casualties:  Heavy


Resources bought:  1 x Reinforcement Boost, 2 V-19s


Resources used: 2 x Shotgun , 1 Y-Wing, 2 V-19s


Inventory Updated: - 2 x Shotgun , -1 Y-Wing, -2 V-19s

Credits Remaining (-8) : 10


-1 Credits for republic drones

-4 for v-19s

-3 for Reinforcements boost

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up




Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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