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Rose-Trano mix it up


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Name: Rose 

Who helped (If applicable): Dennis, candel, cubby, greanbean

Event Name: Trando mix it up 

Summary of the story: Trandos set up a small camp between Alpha and Charlie and kidnap someone. while troopers and 104th are busy attempting to get the guy back towards the end a manga guard sneaks into the temple to cause chaos. then the manga guard takes 3 holocrons and gave them to the trandos. the leader then attempted to sell them back to jedi or to sith but got betrayed and ran off with the holocrons.

What was the result of the event?: a trando took 3 holocrons and ran away because my deathwatch turned on me.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both as it incorporated 104th training and jedi skill while still the base was attacked... but that didn't happen because the kidnapee rolled a 98 so we improvised and took holocrons




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