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Looking for consular managers


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Title says it all, I am in need of a few consular managers. I currently have 2 healer manager spots open, and 3 consular manager spots open as well. Healer managers are in charge of running healer trials and also keeping healers in line, do training with the healers, teach them how to do medical RP. Consular managers are straight forward, you are in charge of running consular trials and make sure consulars are doing good in events, etc etc. If you are interested, PM me on teamspeak and answer these questions. I am currently not home but I will get back to you by tonight. 

1. What spot are you wanting? Consular or healer manager?

2. Why should I give you the title?

3. Why should I choose you over others?

4. What is your schedule, as a manager I want you to hold trials AT LEAST every other day, but preferably a trial a day.

5. Have you ever been in leadership roles/ have leadership experience? If so, list them here. 

If you are interested open a text channel with me on Teamspeak and answer these simple questions, I am going to be quite brutally honest when I reply to these, I want people that are serious about this role. 

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12 minutes ago, Faoeoa said:

@punda u dont need like 5 managers i had weeaboo who did 90% of the work in consulars when i was lead and llama had dargon, scrub & myself

I'm just going off what weaboo has on the doc, and we have 5 open spots so, and in my opinion more managers = more trials because if you only have 1 manager there could be a time when they won't be on a lot so, the more the merrier 

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