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Dooku's False Negotiation


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Name: Maverick

Who helped (If applicable): Mcfisher, Josh, Merrill, Cloves

Event Name: Dooku's False Negotiation

Summary of the story: Dooku got information regarding a False sith cult and was told the base on endor had some information. He sent his stealth droids to retrieve and it showed up himself to ensure mission success. 

What was the result of the event?: Dooku showed for negotiations and created a distraction for the stealth droids. Droids succeeded in bombing the gen room but not destroying it totally. Dooku ended the negotiations and had his army attack the outposts and main base in retreat. Stealth droids were eliminated.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both


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2/10 FailRP by Dooku when I tried to detain him he walked away and ignored RP and 2 spawning droids around me when I was fighting and the droids came out of no where 

Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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Grevious cloaked

Dooku FailRP'd

 I force whirlwind a drop pod out of Courtyard and the gamemaster/game helper physgunned it back slammed it on top of me and proceeded to spawn droids on top of me killing me 




Former: Commander Cody (x2), ATK Regimental Commander, SOBDE Regimental Commander, 212th XO, Omega Squad Lead Niner, Foxtrot XO, General Kenobi, HA (x2) TRM, GMM, RUS MP Commander 

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