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Merrill - Atypical Visit


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Name: Merrill

Helpers: Harte, Sonny, KnightVR, Trijim

Event Summary: A senator and his guards come by for an Audit of Outpost Redwood, to determine where funds and supplies should be focused for the best operation of the base and its other facilities nearby. A successful visit would mean increased funding for all base functions, but if something were to go wrong... 

Event Outcome: Many troopers were hostile to the Trandoshan Senator, and a brief scare for a supposed spy left everyone frightened. The Senator continues on with his base evaluation, only to be interrupted by a physical threat: a knifing and bombs. A secondary squad shows up to finish the job, only to be wiped out.

Event Type: Mixed.

The guy who got drunk and pretended to be a vacuum for an hour

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