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Creator's Staff Application


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RP Name: TR 38th EC SAPL LT Creator/Jedi Padawan Vitae

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48911685

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: Central Time/CST

Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I hope to become admin because I love to giving back to the community, I take pride in helping people and training others and giving my assistance to people with a question that might go unnoticed to most other people. I know for a fact that after getting VIP I have taken part in almost every event I can join because I want to help those game makers run events and help the people as much as I want to. Also, as an admin I know that it's my responsibility to treat it with care and not use my powers to assert my dominance but to be someone who can reason with the players of the server and actually be able to do something about it and help them to the best of my ability. If I were presented with a trainer having problems training a CC because they were simply a "minge" or because that trainer didn't have the patience to train him, I would answer that staff ticket and take it into my own hands to train that guy. If he does turn out not wanting to properly play the game after several warnings then I would have to take it to a higher staff to see him through, but all I'm trying to say is that I have the patience to deal with people other than kicking/banning as it would be far beyond last resort for me, except for a few obvious reason such as racism, harassment and other stuff that is completely not tolerated. I see a lot of people who go on to Synergy Roleplay with only the intention to minge, but clearly these people know what they are doing wrong because they have played SWRP and have experience, the reason why they minge might be because one of their favorite servers has shutdown or they are upset, I don't see these people as minges I see them as lost and I would be more than happy to help them realize how great of a community Synergy is with an amazing population.

Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I really love helping people especially when they are in dire needs, recently Hurricane Harvey hit Texas and it hit it really bad, I myself was very fortunate to not have been directly affected as the others that were and to show my support I went to several volunteer food drives offering as much help as I can possibly give as being only 2 hours away from the place where the Hurricane tore through is very upsetting and I feel sorry for those people affected that have lost their homes and in rare cases their loved ones. I also never take a side in any situation, I always think and debate about both sides reasoning between the two and deciding upon their situation and not my opinions. I love hanging out with friends as I can be very sociable to the point where I am someone you can always talk to when ever you need and I am very dedicated to things that I thoroughly enjoy.

Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes, I have been admin/moderator on a couple other SWRP servers and was always an active member on them until they closed down.

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This man right here. I have come to know him during my time in the 38th and he has a real sense of maturity but with fun. It's too often people can't ever be focused and have some serious attention issues. Creator though can always make the environment alot of fun and as soon as we need him to focus and be serious he is leading those who are struggling.

He goes out of his way to help people be it batt related problems or server issues that he can help. This guy will absolutely be an awesome admin. He seems focused on improving others time and that is what we need more of.


A huge +1

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Congrats you have been accepted for the interview process.
You have until a week from now(9/16/17) to contact an overseer (or head-administrator if you cant contact an overseer)
Failure to make contact with one will result in the denial of your application.


Good luck my little duckling, hope to see you on the staff team <3


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