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Reprogramed Sith droids taking data

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Name: Liquid

Who helped (If applicable): Draa, (staff) Forseen (helping with drop pods)

Event Name:Reprogramed Sith droids taking data

Summary of the story: Sith droids went to defending the temple and they did, they continued to the Republic base to get data, two died and one lives with the data. The CIS then came and attacked the Republic base in search for their old droids and the data. (Event will continue tomorrow with Sith and all attack battalions with 104th and DU and 91st do not have set time but will make it work)

What was the result of the event?: Droid escaped with data

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot'em up



Former: Tiplee, TC Ayar, Chief of Communications Coburn (Assisted with creating ATC)                                                                               
Current: Master Eeth Koth

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I understand it was a little thing just to keep players busy, but overall it wasn't very enjoyable in my opinion. It seemed to take a lot of time to actually get moving, perhaps you could have asked for more help with spawning if it was too much to do at once?

The droid spawning was very erratic and for the most part made little sense where they spawned. They were held at courtyard but then suddenly started appearing all over base? It wasn't as if they had pushed through or found another possible route (as far as the players were aware), they just kind of appeared.

Also a bit of lack of communication with the players in regards to what was happening. Aside from a couple of "CIS Comms" there wasn't much direction to where or what the troopers were to be doing or going.

Again, I do understand it was just a "Keep Everyone Busy" event, but that doesn't mean it has to be that disorganized.

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