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Rocksteady's-return of the shadows

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Name: Rocksteady

Who helped (If applicable): harte, maverick, killjoy

Event Name: return of the shadows

Summary of the story: having discovered that the CIS is recreating the shadow virus, the republic rapidly deployed to mustafar to deal with the threat but they were overwhelmed

What was the result of the event?: CIS win

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up

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1/10 whenever we made progress you would spawn more and more droids, in turn we lost our progress. The event jobs were far too aggressive for us only having 10-12 people. They used snipers that did more then 200 damage causing people to be constantly revived. At some point i was the last medic and a hyena suicide bombed me getting rid of the last medic. The map caused me to go down to 10 FPS whenever i looked a certain direction. The B2s they were spawning had a minimum of 700 health making it take way too many shots to kill one. One of the main rp point didn't even work (the fading doors were fucked). There was a point were we made it across the lava river and instead of letting us keep our progress they spawned around 20 droids directly on top of me, the same thing happened when Anakin tried to fight grievous and they just kept spawning them.  Hacking into the bridge control terminal was basically asking to die since it was in the middle of no where since they wouldn't ever stop spawning droids it made it nearly impossible to do our job. This event made me more angry then anything else.


Edited by YeetMeister
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Good at the beginning, the only thing was the bridge, and not being able to cross the lava.

The Droids had WAY too much HP they took a lot of shots to kill,

Event jobs were cool they were hard but that  made it mean more,

Spawning was kinda unfair, right when we made progress the droids would spawn right where we cleared.

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4/10. So I thought it was a great ass event until shit started to go downhill.  I personally love 1 life if they are done correctly. I also like the possibility of defeat.  What I do not really like is almost like a set up for defeat.  I feel as though the B2's had way too much health for an event.  Along with that, the spawning made no sense.  We would clear out one island with the only thing to get across was a bridge that had to be repaired, and all of a sudden droids would be spawned on our side again when there was no way the could've gotten across RP wise.  I think that the event job numbers were fine maybe a little too aggressive but not that bad.  There might have been a little too many vehicles though because the CIS had like 3 ATT's and a lot of hyenas and vultures and on our side, our ONE Y wing pilot literally crashed right off the start.  Great concept but not the best execution.

Edited by Richard/Dets
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