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The Holocron heist


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Who helped (If applicable):Omalic, Reed, Rewind, Timmy, Harte

Event Name:The Holocron heist

Summary of the story:Kage Warriors was hired to steal a Holocron by a Sith lord. During their mission they capture Jar Jar Binks. They toke them back to the sith temple, and the sith toke Jar Jar and corrupt him to believe he is a sith and as well as General Chambers who was used to find out jedi information. To get back the Holocron and Jar Jar the clones and the Jedi raid the temple 

What was the result of the event?: Jar Jar, and Chambers was Captured and the sith temple was raid to get them back and the holocrons got away

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay and sith temple raid




Current: Rancor Colt
Past spots: 501st XO, 501st CMD, 501st WO Appo, TC Hardcase, 332nd office, ATK Reg Purge, Keller Unit Vinnie, General Luminara, 41st GCO ARCL Draa, 3rd Crosshair on the Server, Hunter, Sith Marauder  TRO, GMM, VA x3. CIS Tac Droid, Guild Cabinet Member

The person who made a treaty with the sith as a clone 

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