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Aust's Game Maker Application


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Name: TR SC BCMD Aust/Jedi K Shadow II Aust/FO PO1 Aust

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:136851516

How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: I have played since the server came out (don't really remember how long it has been) so like maybe 500


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: I would rank it about a 6-7 I know a lot just need to learn some things


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I feel like my leadership skills are very good, since I am a BCMD I need to lead and grow the battalion (my CMDs help a lot as well)

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?:

I understand completely that if I am inactive I will be removed


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

There are CIS Commando droids that board the ship, some incognito in clone armor and some are cloaked. Once they board the ship Dooku and Assajj board the ship and start to attack the Jedi and the Clones. Assajj and Dooku head to the temple (so that the Jedi can have some fun) and start killing the Jedi, once the sith have entered the temple the Incognito droids come out from  hiding and start attacking the Venator (this allows the Clones to have fun as well) they will start in comms deck and start to steal data from the data drives and panels. The task of the Droids is to destroy and collect anything, and everything. Once the Droids have been destroyed and Assajj and Dooku are either Captured or have left (I will explain each part of either being captured or them leaving). If they happen to be captured the Jedi Shadows, RC, and the 104th with be talking to Dooku or Assajj, or even both if they can get 'em. If they happen to escape from the Venator I will try to not have the event jobs use the /me escapes (ruins everyones immersion). Once everything is either dead or has escaped the event will be over, and the Naval (or highest rank on) will call Defcon 6 and they will have a DB. 

This is my event idea I hope y'all like this (if not just give me some feedback that might make it better)

Count Dooku
Asajj Ventress
3 Combat Troopers (droid jobs)
4 Commando Droids
Edited by aust

Former: Shadow Company BCMD, Grey Jedi Master, and Wrath of the Sith


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  • 2 weeks later...

This will be a very similar situation to Soul's application. I'll just put most of the same thing over here. 

I'm going to be very blunt. I feel that anyone who is proposing to be a gamemaker, you really should try to be as original as possible. There isn't a reason, a motive, a story or anything in this event. If you want to propose an event to something like game maker, make it really in detail. Have something that pleases both sides; incredible roleplay and incredible firefights. Don't just limit yourself to an idea on the venator, you can think of one of the event maps. One thing you lack in with this event is motive, they don't just come on to a random venator for random data, that's far too risky and costy. Think realistically.

Right now what we need the most is really heavy roleplay because we are really, really lacking it on the server.

Additionally, people overuse having Asajj and Dooku together. They RARELY fought with each other.

So, until I see change in it, I will give a...


Edited by Kain
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