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SmallJeff's Game Helper Application


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How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:About 300 I have 177 in the past 2 weeks.


From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:I would say my knowledge of clone wars is about 7.5


How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:My leadership skill are pretty good and I can communicate well I have lead my battalion as a commander pretty good the other officers have told me I kept the battle comms active and we have done a lot of good things 

Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?:Yes I understand 100%


Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Mersinaries come on the ship because they got a hit on some high targets on the ship and try to eliminate them and then the republic needs to find out who has a hit on them and save them then they need to give them a counter offer to save the high up naval officers and then when they make a deal they make a peace treaty so that they won't come back.


Another one I have is 2 fallen jedi turn to the dark side come on the ship with count dooku and some battle droidsto back him up and they search the ship for a valuable kyber crystal that they could use to become very powerful that was lost along time ago by the sith and captured by yoda and hidden in the jedi temple then they head to the temple to try to find it when they don't dooku leaves them because they failed him then the jedi on board will try to bring them back to the light because dooku corrupted their minds(so the event starts as a shoot em up and then ends with some passive rp for the people who get no action and complain they will get some passive rp

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