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Staff Meeting Notes 4/6/19

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CWRP Staff Meeting Notes 4/6/2019




We've had some good work but would really like events on prime times on weekends guys!

Lighig:  I'm sleepy


Events during primetime, people enjoy them and stuff. Server is active during these events.


Valdor: N/A

Dragon:  Helping with BvB makes you look really good in staff; Don’t do too many rakghoul events

Silvers: For events, one cool thing to do is google slides.


If your status in a branch changes, upwards or downwards, make sure to fill out the Admin Choice form so we can stay updated. Also, make sure to fill out a LOA in the administration section if you take an LOA.

Jags:  I’ve seen 5+ WHITELIST tickets disappear. 3 of those were during peak hours. Many complain “TICKETS ARE QUICKLY BEING TAKEN”


General PTS:



Staff of the Week: Trad

Staff of the Month: Greek

Staff Promotions

NA to A



Admin to SA




SA to VA


VA to HA


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